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Excerpt 9: Fathers of Nations Sample Excerpts with Answers

His name is Nick Sentinel. What does he do? He snoops on wireless transmissions, with the Silent Listener

 EXCERPT 9 Fathers of Nations Excerpts


 Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (25 marks)

I'm not sure. Perhaps it's fun," she said.

"Lying is fun?"

"l said I'm not sure. Now you did a good turn for me downstairs. They say one good turn deserves another. So, in return, can I tell you something I'm not yet sure I should tell you?"

'Sure. Go ahead."

"They have this youth at the VOA. His name is Nick Sentinel. What does he do? He snoops on wireless transmissions, with a machine he calls-wait for it-the "Silent Listener'. While I was there this morning...'

"While you were where? At the VOA? Yesterday you said you work for the Gambian News. Were you lying? After all, you've just said lying might be fun."

"Will you let me finish?"

"Look. I really do work for the Gambian News. "

"Skip the lies! You're a CIA agent, aren't you?"

"l won't answer that."

"Because you are or because you can't?"

"Neither." "Isn't that exactly what you would say if you were?"

"All right, I will answer it."

"Believe me. I am a reporter for the Gambian News. Normally, that is. But, since right after our interview yesterday, I am on loan to the VOA. If you must know, the VOA pays much better than the Gambian News. Will the VOA take me for keeps? No. When the loan ends, it will be Thank you very much, Ms. McKenzie, but please go back to the Gambian News tomorrow and start eating boiled dirt for breakfast, lunch and supper again• Are you happy now, Dr Afolabi?"

He did not answer.

Excerpt questions on Fathers of Nations Excerpt 9

a)      Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)

b)      They say one good tum deserves another". What good tum did Dr Afolabi do for Ms Mckenzie? (2 marks)

c)      Discuss one thematic concen brought out in the excerpt. (3 marks)

d)      Identify and illustrate two styles used in the excerpt, (4 marks)

e)      What does a reporter-on-loan mean? (3 marks)

f)       What does VOA stand for? (2 marks)

g)      From the information in this excerpt, describe the character traits of Dr. Abiola. (4 marks)

h)      Rewrite the sentence below beginning: ( It... )

When the loan ends, it will be thank you very much.

i)        Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (2 marks)

(i)  Snoops

(ii) Tum 

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