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Excerpt 20: Fathers of Nations Sample Excerpts with Answers

Mr Chairman, don't insult our intelligence with that rubbish." His voice was grating on all ears with tones of rage

 Fathers of Nations excerpt 20 questions

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow
. (25 marks)

When all four were back at their seats, the Chair began to wrap up.

"Excellencies, we've come to the end of our summit." He smiled, and why not? Had The Trick not saved the day? Had it not eliminated the need for the consensus he could not achieve? "Go back home safely, Excellencies. As we say in my country, travel like lions, without fear of attack or worry about supper. And, speaking about supper, the Pinnacle informs me that, to cap our summit, it has organised a closing ceremony on the mezzanine floor. Things will start sizzling in thirty minutes. So we'll meet there soon." Gavel hit wood. Bang. "I now declare the summit itself formally closed." Bang. Bang.

President Dibonso sprang to hit feet at once. "Mr Chairman, don't insult our intelligence with that rubbish." His voice was grating on all ears with tones of rage.

"What rubbish are you referring to? President Dibonso?" asked the Chair. He was rising to the challenge.    

"The Choice Matrix indeed! Do you really expect us to buy into that madness? Can't you see that some of us are not senile? We reject the matrix, lock, stock and barrel."

"I said the summit stands closed," insisted the Chair. Bang. Bang.

"And I say it is open again," retorted President Dibonso.

"But, President Dibonso, you do not have the power to do so."

"Who says I do not have the power to do so? See this?" He pulled out a pistol, pocket-size.

The other heads of state scrambled to hide under their desks.

"President Dibonso, put that thing away!" demanded the Chair.

"Make me!" retorted President Dibonso,

The pistol clicked, It was ready to start spitting fire at the Chaire

Questions on Fathers of Nations Excerpt 20

a)      Briefly explain what happens just before the excerpt. (4 marks)

b)      Identify and illustrate two-character traits of the Summit Chair and one of President Dibonso. (6 marks)

c)      What two themes come out in the excerpt? (4 marks)

d)      (i) We reject the matrix, lock, stock and barrel. (Write beginning with "Lock") (1 mark)

e)      Discuss two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

f)       I said the summit is closed. (Rewrite using a question tag) (1 mark)

g)      Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (3 marks)

                                       i.            Consensus

                                     ii.            cap

                                    iii.            sizzling

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