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Excerpt 3: Fathers of Nations Sample Excerpts with Answers

All looked happy, and why not? Had they not escaped from troublemakers in their home countries?

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow :


Forty-nine foreign heads of state were in Banjul for the summit. All looked happy, and why

not? Had they not escaped from troublemakers in their home countries? They saw a stay

free from trouble ahead of them here, in the Gambia, a country everyone kept calling 'the

land of Kunta-kinteh'. All hoped to get from their stay as much rest as possible. Of course,

at some point, they would each other take the flow and, as fans back home expected,

address the summit, but this was something that they could do with little or no effort at all.

For Gambians, though, the presence of so many visiting dignitaries was not fun. True,

forty-nine heads of state could give a hosting country good publicity, but heads of state are

a huge inconvenience. So, this publicity comes at a high price.

Nowhere is the price higher than it is in Africa. Here, before the dignitaries arrive,

bulldozers dispatched at night in slum-clearance 'exercises' demolish roadside kiosks on

which whole families depend for their livelihood. This way, the dignitaries will see that

a few streets once had sidewalks. Roads get rare layers of tarmac at times of maximum

traffic. This way, motorists come to a standstill when it really hurts. Checkpoints sprout

everywhere. This way, guards get even more bases for extorting bribes from passers-by.

When the dignitaries finally arrive, water taps at which whole neighbourhoods’ queue to

get just buckets of water dry up because now all water has to go to new water fountains

built to mesmerise the visitors.

Questions on Fathers' of Nations Excerpt 3

1.      Explain what happens immediately before this extract (3mks)

2.      Identify and explain two styles used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

3.      Identify and illustrate three thematic concerns evident in this extract (4mks)

4.       What does the author mean when he says, "Had they not escaped from troublemakers in their home countries"? (4 marks)

5.      Explain the meanings of the following vocabulary used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

a)      Mesmerise

b)      Demolish

c)      Extort

d)      Summit

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