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Answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 11

Below are the answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 11:

 EXCERPT 11 Answers:


What happened immediately before this excerpt? (2 marks)

Seif had asked ms. Mahmoud out and she said a sweet no which Seif interpreted as a sour no. Seif felt humiliated by this and vows to revenge.

Discuss one theme evident in this excerpt. Give two illustrations from the excerpt. (3 marks)

Revenge-Seif slaps Ms. Mahmoud for saying no to his advances. Seif takes ms. Mahmoud to court for accidentally slitting his left eye.

Had she stopped to think about the chain of events her reaction might set off..." explain the events that came as a result of her action. (4 marks)

She accidentally slits Seif's left eye. Seif then takes her to court. The court orders her left eye to be taken out just like Seif's. she loses her left eye through surgery.

Identify and illustrate two styles used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

(i)     Rhetorical questions — who has not so reacted...have been a better response?

(ii)  Idiomatic expression- an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Using information from this excerpt, discuss the character traits of Seif Tahir. (4 marks)

(i)     Vengeful- he retaliates by slapping Ms Mahmoud for declining his advances.

(ii)  Deceitful- he lies to court about the reason why he had slapped Ms. Mahmoud.

What reason did Seif give the court for slapping Ms Mahmoud? (2 marks)

He slapped her to stop her from imitating Americans by shedding the head veil in violation of Libya's culture.

Ms Mahmoud pleaded innocent. Is she innocent? Support your answer. (2 marks)

Yes. She hit Seif back in self-defense after he had provoked her by slapping her.

What happens immediately after this excerpt? (2 marks)

The court tells Ms. Mahmoud to count her blessings because she would only lose her left eye just like Seif and she will not lose a tooth.

Explain the meaning of the following statement. (2 marks)

An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

A tit for a tit /punishing a person by inflicting the same pain they caused the other person. 

Excerpt 1 Questions Excerpt 1 Answers Excerpt 2 Questions Excerpt 2 Answers Excerpt 3 Questions Excerpt 3 Answers Excerpt 4 Questions Excerpt 4 answers Excerpt 5 Questions Excerpt 5 Answers Excerpt 6 Questions Excerpt 6 Answers Excerpt 7 Questions Excerpt 7 Answers Excerpt 8 Questions Excerpt 8 answers Excerpt 9 Questions Excerpt 9 Answers Excerpt 10 Questions Excerpt 10 Answers Excerpt 11 Questions Excerpt 11 Answers Excerpt 12 Questions Excerpt 12 answers Excerpt 13 Questions Excerpt 13 Answers Excerpt 14 Questions Excerpt 14 Answers Excerpt 15 Questions Excerpt 15 Answers Excerpt 16 Questions Excerpt 16 answers Excerpt 17 Questions Excerpt 17 Answers Excerpt 18 Questions Excerpt 18 Answers Excerpt 19 Questions Excerpt 19 Answers Excerpt 20 Questions Excerpt 20 answers Excerpt 21 Questions Excerpt 21 Answers

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