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Excerpt 13: Fathers of Nations Sample Excerpts with Answers

In a sermon four years earlier, Pastor Chiamaka had made statements he believed to be well within the bounds of permissible political expression

 EXCERPT 13 Fathers of Nations Excerpt questions


Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (25 marks)

"Good evening, Pastor" The caller was in a jovial mood. His voice was all syrup and honey. As part of a growing informality between him and Pastor Chiamaka, he had taken to calling Pastor Chiamaka only by title like that. "This is your guide here speaking." "

Is that right? Let me call the media," Pastor Chiamaka said sarcastically. His scheme having failed, he was smouldering in a bad mood he was nursing on purpose, as in a self-indulgent act of slow suicide over a fire he had set at minimum.

"Pastor, you sound angry," said his guide

"Why shouldn't l?"

"Goodness, you are angry!"

"You would be too if you were in my position."

"Enough of your self-pity! Now let me remind you..."


In a sermon four years earlier, Pastor Chiamaka had made statements he believed to be well within the bounds of permissible political expression. Still, the police had picked him up the next morning. Before he could ask them why,

"l don't need reminding," he said.

"All right, Pastor. On to another subject now: a meeting is soon to bring together you and four other people. Plus guess who?”

"Who?" asked Pastor Chiamaka. His tone was not any less rebellious.


"Two days ago you said you didn't want to be seen."

"We'll meet in an hour."

"Why the long notice?"

"Room 2059, Centre Wing of The Seamount Hotel. Be there. Ciao."

Excerpt 13 Questions on Fathers of Nations

a)      "His scheme having failed,..." Explain the scheme that Pastor Chiamaka had. (5 marks)

b)      In not more than 70 words, summarize the statements Pastor Chiamaka made four year earlier in his sermon. (6 marks)

c)      Identify and illustrate two styles used in this excerpt. (4 marks)

d)      Apart from pastor Chiamaka and the guide, name the other four people who were to attend the meeting. (4 marks)

e)      Who is staying in room 2059, center wing? (1 mark)

f)       What happens immediately after this excerpt? (2 marks)

g)      Explain the meaning of the following words as used in this excerpt. (3 marks)

(i)      Jovial

(ii)    Smouldering

(iii)  Permissible 

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