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Excerpt 5: Fathers of Nations Sample Excerpts with Answers

A heavy trailer is sitting on her minibus, so how can she be fine?" When the onlookers became a crowd, they tried to push the trailer off the minibus.

 Fathers of Nations Excerpt 5 Questions

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow


First, there was a loud crash. Some moving object had hit another moving object. A trailer hooked to a truck negotiating a turn at a roundabout had broken free, spun outward, and ended up on top of a minibus in an adjacent lane. The drivers of both vehicles had then run away. They had done so to avoid mob justice.

Now the passengers in the unlucky minibus were struggling to get out, except for one—a woman trapped in a seat. A man had seen her on his way out. He tried to go back in and get her out, but all doors had jammed. He pulled a mobile phone out of his pocket and called the mystical number — 999 — to report distress and request help. The hour was ten in the morning.

Onlookers started arriving. First, they only gawked, fascinated by the spectacle of a trailer sitting on top of a minibus. Goodness, how did it get there! Later, their attention moved down to the woman trapped inside the minibus. "Look," said one onlooker. A beautiful girl was trapped in her seat. She was still conscious. "She is fine, then," said another onlooker. "Come on," said the first onlooker. "A heavy trailer is sitting on her minibus, so how can she be fine?" When the onlookers became a crowd, they tried to push the trailer off the minibus. They failed. Then a big van appeared...


a)      Put this extract in its immediate context. (4 marks)

b)      Give the character traits of the following:

i)        The man 

ii)      The onlookers

iii)     The drivers (6 marks)

c)      From elsewhere in the novel, how does conflict arise between Kimani and Asiya over the death of their daughter? (4 marks)

d)      How is dialogue significant in this excerpt? (4 marks)

e)      Explain one stylistic device used in the extract. (2 marks)

f)       "The hour was ten in the morning." Rewrite this statement beginning with (1 mark)

g)      Explain the meanings of the following words as used in the excerpt. (3 marks)

i)        Gawked

ii)      Fascinated

iii)     Conscious

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