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Answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 6

Below are the answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 6

 EXCERPT 6 Answers to Fathers of Nations


Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)

Before the excerpt, Pastor Chiamaka receives a call in his hotel room. The caller asks about the content of the briefcase. In the excerpt, the caller tells Chiamaka to keep the phone close and refuses to disclose his identity to Chiamaka. After the excerpt, the caller says he would be the one initiating all their communications.

Using your knowledge of the rest of the text, explain one instance of irony evident in this excerpt (3 marks)

It is ironical that the caller says the mobile phone is completely secure unlike the hotel phone yet later in the text, Nicks proves that the mobile phone was the most insecure because he taps all their conversations from it using the silent listener.

Apart from irony, identify and illustrate another style used in the excerpt. (2 MARKS)

Dialogue• dialogue between the caller and Chiamaka.

Idiomatic expression- and night, rain or shine.

Identify and illustrate two character traits common to both Pastor Chiamaka and the caller. (4 marks)

They are both short-tempered-

They are both rude-

List the content of the briefcase left by the caller for Pastor Chiamaka. (4 marks)

1.      A letter from AGDA

2.      A copy of Way Omega and a copy of Path Alpha.

3.      Leaflets, pamphlets and brochures.

4.      A mobile phone.

Which name did the caller identify himself with to Pastor Chiamaka? (1 mark)

The guide.

Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech. (1 mark)

" so you will tell me your real name now?" Pastor Chiamaa asked.

Pastor Chiamaka asked the caller if he would tell him his name then.

Who is Pastor Chiamaka? (2 marks)

The former pastor at Church Inside Africa in Lagos, Nigeria.

Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

(i)     Unexpectedly- without anticipation

(ii)  Snapped-shouted, spoke angrily

(iii) Tamed- subdued

(iv) Inching- moving gradually 

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