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Answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 8

Below are the Answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 8

 EXCERPT 8 Answers Fathers Of Nations

What happened immediately before this excerpt? (2 marks)

Prof. Karanja confronted Newborn in his office for 'stealing' his wife, Asiya. Newbom's mockery and arrogance irritate Karanja.

And young they will be the day I die." To whom was Walomu referring? (2 marks)

Newbom is referring to his three beautiful and young wives.

Discuss two themes evident in this excerpt. (4 marks)

(i)     Hopelessness/ despair- when Karanja is set free, he has lost everything including his career.

(ii)  Conflict- the disagreement between Karanja and Newborn over Asiya.

Identify and illustrate three styles used in this excerpt. (6 marks)

(i)     Dialogue- dialogue between Karanja and Newborn

(ii)  Metaphor-she's...not the qreen grass. baboon.

(iii)  Idiomatic expression- to bite the man's bait.

(iv) Wise saying- a real bull dies with green grass in its mouth. Old is gold.

(v)   Sarcasm- newborn is sarcastic in the first sentence.

Explain how each of the following characters has been brought out in this excerpt. (4 marks)

(i)     Newbom :Arrogant] unapologetic- he does not feel remorseful for taking Karanja's wife, instead, he mocks

(ii)  Karanja.:Short-tempered- he was unable to put with Newborn's mockery and so he resulted to a physical fight.

Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech. (1 mark)

"Stop where you are, Karanja!" he said. He told Karanja to stop where he was.

What happens immediately after this excerpt. (2 marks)

Someone knocks at Prof. Karanja's house. He introduces himself as Tad Longway.

Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.

(i)     Tolerate-put up with

(ii)  Scuffle-fight, struggle

(iii)    Pounced-attacked, struck

(iv) Doomed-condemned 

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