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Answers to Fathers of Nations Excerpt 16

Below are the answers to Fathers of Nations excerpt 16

EXCERPT 16 Answers to Fathers of Nations


(a) Place the excerpt to its immediate context. (4 marks)


• Abiola has rescued Fiona from the Liberian Mauler who had abducted her

with a view to raping her and takes her to his hotel room.

• Fiona notes a scrape on Abiola's brow and offers to attend to it.

• As it is late at night, Abiola offers Fiona a place to sleep for the night.


• Fiona tells Abiola that lying is perhaps fun.

• Fiona informs Abiola of a young man, Nick Sentinel, at the VOA who has

a machine he calls the Silent Listener that snoops on wireless transmissions.

• Abiola wonders if Fiona worked with the VOA yet she had told him she

worked for the Gambian News.

(b) Discuss two-character traits of Abiola and one character trait of Fiona

McKenzie. (6 marks)


• He is suspicious/uncasy

He wonders where Fiona's interrogation on his marital life is leading toe

• He is humorous/amusing

He asks Fiona if her name might have changed since the Liberian Mauler

kept calling her 'Joy' a local slang for a streetwalker.

• He is open/forthright/straightforward

He opens up to Fiona about his marital life, telling her that his wife was an

American and she divorced him the previous year.

• He is emotional/temperamental

He is angered by Chiamaka's call during which he accuses him of having

chided him for being drunk, when all he had was a Pepsi.


• She is inquisitive/probing/interrogative

She asks Abiola several questions e.g. Did she? That's her name? Pamela?

• She is perceptive/critical/observant

She is quick to note that Abiola has been upset by the call made to him by

Chineke Chiamaka.

• She is open/forthright

She discloses to Abiola that she is not married, "Married?" "Me?"

e Suspicious/dubious/doubtful

She suspects that Abiola was acting as if he might have a wife.

(c) (i) Why do people like to tell lies? (Report) (1 mark)

Chiamaka/He wondered why people liked/like to tell lies.

(ii) The phone rang. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)

The phone rang, didn't it?

(iii) No, she divorced me last year. (Rewrite in the passive) (1


No, I was divorced by her last year.

You seem upset all of a sudden. (Rewrite beginning with the

subordinate clause) (1 mark)

All of a sudden, you seem upset.

(b) Highlight two themes raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)

• Marriage and family life

Abiola confesses that his wife divorced him the previous year. Fiona, on her

side, tells Abiola that she is not married.

• Moral decay/immorality

Abiola tells Fiona that the Liberian Mauler (the man who had attempted to

abduct her with a view to raping her) kept calling her Joy, which was local

a local slang for a streetwalker/prostitute.

(c) Identify and illustrate two features of style used in the excerpt. (4 marks)


Abiola humorously asks Fiona if her name might have changed because the

Liberian Mauler kept calling her Joy, which was a local slang for a



Conversation between Abiola and Fiona which basically reveals the two's

plain/straightforward nature.

• Phone motif

Chiamaka gives Abiola Afolabi a phone call and accuses him of having

chided him for being drunk when all he had had was a Pepsi.

(d) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrase as used in

the excerpt. (3 marks)

• improvised — makeshift/temporary

• darkened — dulled/dimmed/gloomed

• Chided -- rebuked/admonished/reproved

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