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Excerpt 15: Fathers of Nations Sample Excerpts with Answers

The Choice Matrix-is telling to you: Choose Way Omega for another toss and forget all about Path Alpha.

 EXCERPT 15: Fathers of Nations Excerpt Questions


Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (25 marks)

"Mathematics at a summit!" complained the other heads of state. "What next?"

The old rogue knew they were having trouble understanding his equations. Yet did he offer them any help? No. He wanted to enjoy the moment.

When he had enjoyed it for long enough, he offered the help he had withheld.

"Here is what those equations tell to you, Excellencies. They say you I will toss this coin twice. "He held high the coin that he was talking about. "If coin land..."He broke off again. "How you say 'pile ou face' in English?

"Heads or tails," obliged President Gamlozi.

"Senks,"acknowledged the old man. "So, if coin land heads for first toss, then first equation - in first row, first column, of The Choice Matrix-is telling to you: Choose Way Omega for another toss and forget all about Path Alpha. But if coin land tails, then second equation- in first row, second column-is saying you: Choose Path Alpha and forget Way Omega instead." The old man looked at his audience. "Questions?" he asked.

"YES!" shouted Minister Zinto, already up on his feet. "With all due respect, President Bangoura, I think what you are suggesting now is total nonsense."


"Mr President, real summits don't decide by flipping coins."

"l see. And I suppose, Cher le Ministre, Dear Minister, you going make same protestation, with as much vigour, when your Way Omega get win."

The summit hall rocked with laughter.

"Order!" demanded the Chair. "Order, Excellencies, order! We will have order. As for you, Minister Zinto, you will speak only when I say so. Do you understand-yes? Then sit down!"

The minister sat down.

Dr Afolabi rose. “Mr Chairman, I think the minister has a point," he said. "My advice here would be.

The old man cut him off. "Your advice here would be what? That we utilise your method of this on one hand and that on other hand'? Ha! We would still be here next year, admiring our hands if we were to do so.

“Again the summit hall rocked with laughter”

"Order, please! Excellencies, order!" the Chair reminded everyone. "As for you, Dr Afolabi, if I find I need your 

Fathers of Nations Excerpt 15 Questions        

a)      What happened immediately before this excerpt? (3 marks)

b)      What do we learn about African Heads of state in this excerpt? (4 marks)

c)      Identify and illustrate three features of style employed in this excerpt. (6 marks)

d)      What does the chair mean when he asks Abiola if he wanted them to utilize his method hand

e)      What happens immediately after this excerpt? (3 marks)

f)        Give the meaning of each of following words as used in this excerpt. (5 marks)

(i)      Flipping

(ii)    Rogue

(iii)   Protestation

(iv)  Utilize

(v)    obliged


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