Sample Essays on A Silent song and other Stories

Here are some of the top essays from A Silent Song and Other Stories



1. Will, determination and hard work always triumph over obstacles Referring to Ninema in the anthology A Silent Song, explain this statement. (20 marks)

2. Street life is sometimes the best home for people helpless in the hands of society. Support this statement using illustrative facts from A Silent Song by Leonard Kibera. (20 marks)

3. Marriage is a valued cultural and religious practice in most African communities. (20 marks)

4. Using relevant illustrations from The Truly Married Woman by Abioseh Nicol, write an essay in support of this statement. (20 marks)

5. Ninema is a short story about the challenges of women in life. By referring to the life of Ninema, support this assertion. (20 marks)

6. Discuss the theme of religion as brought out in A Silent Song by Leonard Kibera. (20 marks)

7. Misuse of power leads to regret. Write an essay in support of the statement with illustrations from A Man of Awesome Power by Naguib Mahfouz. (20 marks)

8. Godwin Siundu's A Silent Song and Other Stories Misuse of power leads to regret. Write an essay in support of the statement with illustrations from A Man of Awesome Power by Naguib Mahfouz. (20 marks)

9. Discuss the theme of tradition as shown in Ivory Bangles by Eric Ng'maryo. (20 marks)

10. Ivan Dmitritch's misfortune is a result of his insatiable obsession/desire. Write an essay to qualify this statement making reference to God Sees the Truth, but Waits in A Silent Song and  Other stories. (20 marks)

11. In the face of affliction, faith is essential for man's survival. Write an essay to validate this statement in reference to Leo Tolstoy's God Sees the Truth, but Waits. (20 marks)

12. Ninema is an admirable character. Support this from Vrenika  Pather's 'Ninema' (20 marks).

13. When one is given power, he/she should use it only for good but more often than not people use it for wrong purposes. Support this statement basing your argument from Naguib Mahfouz's 'A Man of Awesome Power' (20 marks)

14. Some cultural practices do not add value and hence should be done away with. Show the truthfulness of this assertion based on Eric Ng'maryo's 'Ivory Bangles'. (20 marks)

15. War causes a lot of harm and thus should be avoided at any cost. Validate this statement based on your illustrations from Chimamanda Adichie's 'Ghosts' (20 Marks)

16. Lack of courtesy between the police and civilians leads to lethal conflicts. Justify the validity of this statement using illustrations from Meja Mwangi's Incident in the Park. (20 marks).

17. Actions speak louder than words. Discuss the truth of this saying using illustrations from Leonard Kibera's A Silent Song. (20 marks)

18. Lack of courtesy between the police and civilians leads to lethal conflicts. Justify the validity of this statement using illustrations from Meja Mwangi's Incident in the Park. (20 marks).


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