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Notes on Negotiation Skills with Examples and Explanations

These notes provide a detailed overview of negotiation skills, including stages, key considerations, and an exercise for practical application

How to Negotiate effectively

Introduction to Negotiation Skills:

Negotiation skills are essential in various aspects of life, including business, politics, and personal interactions. Negotiation is the process of discussion between two or more parties with differing interests or viewpoints, aiming to find a solution or reach a compromise to a common problem. It is a method for settling differences while avoiding arguments and conflicts. Negotiation skills can be particularly valuable in situations such as haggling over prices, salary negotiations, conflict resolution, and seeking better services.

Stages of Negotiation:

1. Preparation 

The negotiation process begins with thorough preparation. During this stage, it is essential to gather all relevant facts and information about the situation to clarify your own position. This preparation helps prevent wasting time and ensures you are well-informed.

Example: Before negotiating a salary increase with your employer, you research industry salary standards and assess your contributions to the company.

2. Discussion: 

The discussion stage involves asking questions, actively listening, and facilitating a clear exchange of ideas. Taking notes can be helpful to record key points made during the discussion.

Example: In a business negotiation, both parties engage in a discussion about terms and conditions, clarifying expectations and concerns.

3. Negotiate for a Win-Win Outcome: 

A successful negotiation aims to achieve a win-win outcome where each party is satisfied. It involves finding common ground and mutually beneficial solutions.

Example: When negotiating a contract with a vendor, both parties work together to create terms that benefit both sides, ensuring a win-win result.

4. Agreement: 

After understanding and considering both sides' viewpoints, an agreement is reached. This agreement should reflect the compromises and terms discussed during the negotiation.

Example: In a real estate negotiation, the buyer and seller agree on a purchase price and closing date based on their respective needs and priorities.

5. Implementation: 

Once an agreement is reached, it is essential to implement the course of action agreed upon. This may involve fulfilling financial obligations, carrying out specific tasks, or delivering on promises made during the negotiation.

Example: If negotiating a contract for a project, both parties must fulfil their obligations as outlined in the agreement.

Points that  Every Negotiator Should Consider:

1. Ask Questions, Confirm, and Summarize: 

These actions help prevent misunderstandings by ensuring clarity on each party's wants and needs.

Example: During a business negotiation, you ask clarifying questions about delivery schedules and confirm the agreed-upon terms in writing.

2. Acknowledge Each Other's Point of View: 

Demonstrating understanding and appreciation of the other person's perspective fosters a positive atmosphere.

Example: In a political negotiation, acknowledging the opposing party's concerns can lead to more productive discussions.

3. Listen Attentively: 

Paying close attention to the other person's words and non-verbal cues is crucial for effective communication.

Example: In a family dispute, actively listening to all family members allows for a better understanding of their viewpoints.

4. Respond to Negative Comments and Complaints: 

Handle negative comments and complaints with diplomacy and avoid confrontational language.

Example: In a customer service negotiation, responding empathetically to a customer's complaint can help de-escalate the situation.

5. Behave Confidently but Politely: 

Confidence is important, but rudeness should be avoided. Maintain a polite and respectful tone in negotiations.

Example: When negotiating a business partnership, you confidently present your proposal while respecting the other party's input.

6. Give Options/Alternatives: 

Explore alternatives and options that can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes, highlighting common ground.

Example: In a trade negotiation, offering multiple trade options can lead to a more favourable agreement for both parties.


You are planning to buy a new model car.

(a) Write down three relevant facts you would want to know before going to buy the car.
(b) State any three hints for the negotiators you would consider when haggling over the price of
that car


(a) Three Relevant Facts to Know Before Buying the Car:

1. The car's market price and its value in comparison to similar models.

2. The car's fuel efficiency and maintenance costs.

3. Available financing options and warranties provided by the manufacturer or dealer.

(b) Three Hints for Negotiators When Haggling Over the Car's Price:

1. Research: Gather information on the car's market value, historical pricing, and any ongoing promotions or discounts.

2. Be Patient: Avoid rushing the negotiation process; take your time to explore various price points and concessions.

3. Leverage: Utilize any knowledge of competing offers or trade-in options to negotiate a better price.

These comprehensive notes provide a detailed overview of negotiation skills, including stages, key considerations, and an exercise for practical application. Effective negotiation skills are valuable in various contexts and contribute to successful problem-solving and collaboration.

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