The Samaritan Notes on Language Use and Stylistic Devices in Act 3 Scene 2

Notes on the stylistic devices in the Samaritan Act 3 Scene 2

Language use and Stylistic Devices in the Samaritan 


1. Imagery

a. Vivid Description

Inspector Bembe’s removes his scepter from the armpit of his left hand, places it on the table, removes his beret and mops the sweat off his brow (P. 93).

b. Simile

 You must know it is a serious matter, as serious as death (P.96).

You are as stubborn as a mule (P.95).

c. Metaphor

Bembe tells Nicole, “ As I am saying this is the business of any monkey of a Samaritan (P.97).

2. Ellipsis

Inspector Bembe does not allow Nicole to complete her statement. Nicole says she has not done anything wrong and…. (P. 93).

Nicole says leaders must not tell us to do the wrong things….. Bembe does not allow her to complete her statement too (P.93).

3. Rhetorical Questions

Bembe asks Nicole, ‘so you won’t stop it eh?’ (P. 98).

4. Hyperbole

Bembe says that, “the App is a grave danger to the society (P.97).”

5. Irony

It is ironical that the Samaritan App meant to salvage the society from evils conducts including corruption and pollution is considered evil (P.97).

It is also ironical that Bembe says that have employed competent agencies to handle environmental degradation, yet they are not really doing much apart from molesting people like Nicole who are pointing on the societal ills(P.97).

It is ironical that the police officer wants to arrest Nicole in the name of protecting their lives when in reality he is doing so to protect Mossi (P.94).

6. Idiom

Fighting a losing battle (P.94)

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