Imaginative Composition

An Essay on Curbing Gender-Based Violence

Write a composition on how to curb gender-based violence in the society Curbing Gender-Based Violence: A Collective Responsibility  Gender-based viol…

A Lesson in Sacrifice Imaginative Composition Example

An Example of a Good Imaginative Composition Ending with Given Words. Write a composition to end with: …. That day I realized the pain my parents un…

As you Make your Bed, so you shall Lie on it Sample Imaginative Composition

Sample Imaginative Composition 5: Write a story illustrating the saying: “As you make your bed, so you Shall lie on it.” The weight of the world seem…

Retired Detective's Unexpected Mission Sample Imaginative Composition

Sample Imaginative Composition 4: Write a story that ends: It then dawned on me that perhaps this is why I had been born. I was on the verge of retir…

A Sunday Afternoon's Life-Changing Turn Sample Imaginative Composition

Sample Imaginative Composition 3: Write a story that begins with the following words When I left home that bright Sunday afternoon, I did not realize…

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