Characterisation in The Samaritan Act 4 Scene 3 Study Guide Notes

Study Guide Notes on The Samaritan Act 4 Scene 3 characterisation

Character Portrayal and Characterization in The Samaritan Act 4 Scene 3 


1. Nicole

a. Patriotic and selfless

When Jaden asks her which post she would prefer she responds by telling him that, she owes the people of maracas municipality and their country a civic duty. Nicole wishes to work with patriotic citizens to enhance transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs (P. 133).

b. Determined

Nicole is determined to fight for the welfare of maracas. She questions Narine if she prefers that they resign to slavery and if they would let the plunder of public resources continue unchallenged (P. 130).

Her determination to fight corruption, bad governance and other vices makes her to turn down the offer she is granted by the mayor to be Director General in the maracas municipality. She cautions them that the necessary transformation is the change of heart, spirit not new offices and positions (P. 135).

c. Concerned and Caring

She tells the gentlemen that creating new offices and positions is burdening their people. Nicole here brings out her character of being caring and concerned towards the tax payers of Maracas municipality (P. 135).

d. Candid, Courageous and Frank

She does not fear meeting the gentlemen and speaking out her mind. She confidently turns down their offer, present from Ted and courageously tells them what they need is change in their hearts and character but not new offices (P.135). Narine calls her a young headstrong girl (P. 128).

e. Polite and calm

She sincerely apologises to the principal who is angry with her (P.128 , 129).

She also declines the golden ring Ted gives her politely (P.132).

She is calm even when the principal shout to her (P.128).

f. Diligent, incorruptible and unique

She says what the Municipal needs are not contracts but change from within (P.135).

Nicole believes that only doing the right thing can help the situation in which the Municipal leaders have found themselves (P.137).

g. Forgiving

She easily forgives the Municipal leaders and says there was nothing personal about the Samaritan (P.132).

h. Optimistic

Nicole hopes that Maracas will be better (P.136).

i. Ambitious

Narine calls her a young ambitious girl (P.129).

j. Intelligent, Knowledgeable, and Informed

Nicole tells the Municipal leaders the best way to have proper management of resources. She knows all they need if not offices or contracts but doing the right thing and change of heart (P.135).

She also understands that they did misuse the power they were given in the Municipality and that is why Maracas is in the current situation (P.137).

K. Realistic

She tells the Municipal leaders that only by doing the right thing can the

Municipality solve the situation facing them now(P.137).

2. Basdeo

a. Greedy

He wants to be a co-Mayor and almost have equal powers to the Mayor (P. 134).

b. Selfish

He says he intends to craft way to a powerful post for himself (P.134).

c. Hopeless

He assures Nicole that there is no hope for their Municipality if she expects the people to be truthful and patriotic (P.136).

3. The Gentlemen

a. Deceptive, Crafty and Conniving

They lie to Nicole about their quest for change and need of her advice in the running of the municipality (P. 132,133,134,135).

b. Cowardly

When the head of National Anti-Corruption Investigation Bureau tells them that he has come to escort them to answer various charges, they cowardly run to take cover (P.138).

c. Corrupt

The gentlemen are corrupt as evidenced in scene.

Through Basdeo corruption is depicted when he says that Nicole should not expect truthful and patriotic people in the municipality since they are all self- seekers (P.136).

Nicole accuses the leaders of misusing their offices to practice corruption. She says if they were Good Samaritans they would not have dipped their fingers in the public tills or broke the law (P.137).

The Mayor say that they want change in the municipality where public resource swill no longer be stolen, the police will stand with the innocent, justice will be for all and lawmakers will protect and promote public interest. For this we deduce that corruption is rampant at Maracas (P. 133 -134).

4. Narine

a. Timid and fearful

She tries to convince Nicole to give up on the Samaritan App. Narine reminds Nicole that she told her to think of something else, the App will not change anything since the struggle for good governance stretches back to beginning of human history (P. 130).

b. Emotional, Temperamental and irritable

Narine is irritated by Nicole. She tells her that her patience is running out (P. 128)

She even tells her not to give her headache (P.130).

Narine even suggests that she will have no choice but to personally grab Nicole by her pants and hound her out of her vicinity through the nearest available opening (P.130).

c. Desperate and hopeless

Narine is desperate and thinks better leadership cannot be found at all. After all good leaders are no longer there and Africans who were once colonized by whites and now enslaved their own people (P.130).

d. Sarcastic

Narine tells Nicole that there si nothing that will be happening in the school, excerpt the Municipal leaders coming to see her (p.129).

e. Arrogant

She asks Nicole whether she thought she was hired to be a firefighter (P.129).

She also asks whether Nicole thinks she is her house girl or her secretary (P.128).

5. Mossi

a. Insecure

He tells Nicole that he has given her power over all departments and she will only be answerable to him and him only. This portrays that he is insecure of the other leaders in the municipality. Basdeo had expressed interest to be a co- Mayor (P.


b. Pretentious or hypocritical

He pretends that he wants Nicole on board for a better running of the municipal when in reality he wants to evade the Samaritan and its repercussions (P.133).

c. Cruel

He testifies that he treads on people’s toes (P.132).

1 comment

  1. Anonymous
    very educative