KCSE Results 2023 English Paper 3 Analysis Report

The 2023 KCSE English Paper 3 (101/3) marking exercise has brought valuable insights into candidate performance and areas requiring improvement.



The 2023 KCSE English Paper 3 (101/3) marking exercise has brought valuable insights into candidate performance and areas requiring improvement. This article delves into the examiners' report, offering actionable tips for both students and teachers to excel in future exams.

Key Performance Observations on KCSE English Paper 1

This year's smooth marking exercise is a testament to the dedication of all examiners. The following are comments on the performance of English Paper 3 2023 paper:

1. Imaginative Composition:

Question 1a was the most popular, attempted by 90% of the candidates. The rubric catered to all ability levels.

As we realized, most candidates did not decipher question 1b. Critical roles within ceremonies may not be readily apparent to young people who rarely attend fundraisers, weddings, etc. Those who attempted it often discussed a wedding ceremony without clearly highlighting their own crucial role.

2. Compulsory Novel:

Being the final year's compulsory novel, Ole Kulet's Blossoms of the Savannah was generally understood, though insufficient bisection remains a crisis in Kenyan schools. Most students struggled to demonstrate Resian's deliberate efforts to overcome challenges and reclaim her dream.

3. The Short Story (Optional)

This year's Anthology of short stories posed challenges for many schools. This question, based on story no. 10 in the Anthology, was attempted by few. Anticipating the first 7 stories, most candidates were unprepared for KNEC's unpredictability. Some even mixed characters from other stories like Ninema, Man with Awesome Power, and The Incident in the Park. This story was clearly not well-prepared. Consequently, most candidates opted for question 3b.

4. The Play (Optional text)

Unfortunately, the most technical optional book, 3b, was a relatable question for Kenyan candidates. Misinterpretation, however, led to superficial responses. Most students merely skimmed the surface without delving deeper into the points. The interconnected nature of the points required them to expound on the suffering of the Kutula people caused by lacuna Kasoo's leadership failures.

5. The Novel (Optional text)

Question 3c, based on the new set text "The Artist of the Floating World," was uncommon this year. Perhaps perceived as boring, this novel surprisingly proved the best-performing optional due to its simplicity and straightforward marking scheme. Very few candidates attempted this question.

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