12 Language Use and Stylistic Devices in The Samaritan Act 2 Scene 2

Here are the aspects of language use and the stylistic devices used in The Samaritan Act 2 Scene 2

Language Use and Stylistic devices in The Samaritan 


1. Imagery

a. Vivid Description

The scene is introduced by a vivid description of the principal’s boardroom which is a big rectangular room containing of a large ovoid mahogany table and various office seats. There is a table with a pen and a notebook as well as a bottle of water and glass (P.54).

Mossi describes Tedd as having an evil hairstyle, wearing ripped jeans, bangles and necklaces that are satanic (P.65).

Mossi clearly describes how Justice Jaden dresses smartly and wears a solemn look;he walks with confidence and looks fair and just (P.69).

b. Metaphor

Mossi calls Ted the bat (P.64).

Mossi shares that any child who has dropped out of school has become a cabbage (P.67).

Mossi says that by electing a howler monkey they should not complain when it starts howling because they now want to read in silence (P.71).’

Mossi also says a computer Programme cannot stop a monkey from eating bananas (P.71).

c. Similes 

Mossi described roads as looking like part of an abandoned battlefield (P.62).

Mossi claims that his deputy gazes into empty spaces like an evil spirit waiting for fake title deeds to be printed (P.63).

Mossi argues that his deputy resembled the sloth (P.63).

Moss refers to Ted like the swine he is while referring to Ted (P.64).

Mossi indicates that Ted put up some site offices that look like cowsheds (p.64).

Mossi testifies, ‘Ted makes a whole Chamber smell like a nightclub and brewery (P.65).’

Mossi claims that Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat and that he has a goatee just like the he goat that he is (P.67).

Mossi shares that Jaden hawks justice like cabbages (P.69)

Mossi also says that Jaden’s looks are just as we see the flowers on the surface of a fresh grave (P.69).

d. Personification

Mossi says that The Samaritan App is damaging his reputation (P.73)

e. Hyperbole

Moss says that roads resemble the battlefield where bombs were detonated (P.62).

Mossi calls Ted a bat and a sinister creature that can’t see and sleeps upside down 


Mossi says that Hon. Ted King must have quit schooling after kindergarten and that he sleeps in a drum of illicit liquor (P.65).

Mossi also accuses the leaders for eating the whole loaf together with the wrapping and even the vendor (P.69).

All the Municipal leaders eat the whole loaf together with the wrapping where possible and even the vendor (P.69).

Mossi says that Justice Jaden hawks justices like cabbages (P.69).

Mossi claims that Hon. Seymour hides behind satanic dark glasses that threaten everyone and everything including his own shadow and he can also drive the devil out of hell (P.70).

2. Allusion

a. Biblical Allusion

Mossi says he is being crucified for mistakes of the people (P.61).

Mossi says the Son of Man cursed the legal professionals a biblical allusion to Jesus 


b. Literal allusion

Mossi says that the Samaritan App presents the cock and bull story which is a mere excuse or implausible explanation that is unbelievable (P.73)

3. Idiomatic expressions

Mossi refers to the leaders as eating, A loaf of bread-all the funds (P.69).

Nicole says the buck stops with you-Mossi is responsible of everything and should not blame it on anybody else (p.62).

4. Rhetorical Question

Mossi asks Nicole “Can you even dare mention that? Haven’t you heard how dangerous he is? (P.66).”

5. Idiophones

Shss (P.57 and 67).

6. Onomatopoeia

Whining (P.71).

Slamming (P.73)

7. Euphemism

Seed capital used by Mossi to mean bribe (P.61) .

8. Irony

Narine, the school principal thinks what Nicole is doing is good, yet she advices her not to be involved in something that will derail them from the greater good in line with the mission of the school (P.56).

Nicole finds it ironical that Mossi, who should be fighting corruption, is offering hera bribe so that she stops pursuing The Samaritan App meant to save the Municipality (P.59).

It is ironical that Mossi campaigned for Ted King and now he talks so ill of him (P.65-71).

Mossi is the Mayor yet he testifies that he can’t change anything in the 

Municipality (P.68).

It is ironical that most leaders in the Municipality have their families conducting most projects in the Council (p.69).

It is ironical for Justice Jaden to hawk justice (P.69).

Narine tells Mossi she had sent a copy of the letter a month ago, the Mayor says his in-tray is full of letters because he has always been busy. Given that it is his duty to read every letter daily, it shows that he is not working at all (P.58).

It is ironical that the citizens vote in leaders such as Seymour and Ted as a result of their opulence, the bribes they give them and how they dress in bling blings, satanic chains and other displays, yet they should consider the leadership qualification (P.65 and 70-71).

9. Sarcasm

Nicole applies sarcasm to ask the Mayor to tell her whether he is really responsible for the problems faced in the Municipality (P.63).

Nicole sarcastically asks Mossi whether his deputy must be a disgrace (P.63).

Mossi uses sarcasm to talk about Hon. Ramdaye and how his entire family has invaded the Department of Infrastructure (P.69).

Mossi is sarcastic when referring to Justice Ian Jaden as a man whose true colors are contradictory to his smart nature (P.69).

Mossi sarcastically asks Nicole whether she thinks a computer Programme will stop a monkey from eating bananas (P.71).

Mossi is sarcastic when showing how some leaders lack knowledge and says that Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat (p.67)

10. Satire

The act satirizes leaders such as the deputy Mayor, Ted, and Ramdaye by making Mossi reveal how uneducated, corrupt, and selfish the Municipal council officials are.

The scene also satirizes Mossi as a useless leader who averts his responsibilities to other leaders in the municipality when he is the one given the duty to protect the municipal.

The scene also satirizes the jurisdiction for failing to administer justice and engaging in crime. 

11. Humour

Mossi says that Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat (p.67).

He claims that Hon. Seymour hides behind satanic dark glasses that threaten everyone and everything including his own shadow and he can also drive the devil out of hell (P.70).

Mossi says when you elect a monkey into an office you should not complain when it begins to holler (P.71).

12.Proverb and wise sayings

Nicole says an elephant that kills a rat is not a hero (P.57).

Narine says if you dare an elephant into a wrestling match, it will trample you (pg 57)

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