Characterisation in The Samaritan Act 2 Scene 2

Notes on characters and characterisation on The Samaritan Act 2 Scene 2

Character Portrayal and Characterization in The Samaritan Act 2 Scene 2 


1. Nicole

a. Ambitious

The principal says she is ambitious (P.56).

b. Firm and daring

She dares Mossi regardless of his threats and says the app cannot be done away

with at all (P.56).

c. Sarcastic

She sarcastically refers to Mossi’s arguments to hit him. Nicole sarcastically asks the Mayor to tell her whether he is really responsible for the problems faced in the Municipality (P.63).

Nicole sarcastically asks Mossi whether his deputy must be a disgrace (P.63).

d. Critical, ideological and liberal-minded

She tells Narine that is it not worth abandoning an ingenious innovation that has a great potential of improving the governance of the Municipality to appease a self-seeking political class (P.57).

e. Frank

Nicole tells Mossi that he is bribing her and yet he is supposed to be fighting corruption (P.61).

f. Diligent

Nicole rejects the money Mossi wants him and the students to take and drop the App (P.61).

2. Mossi

a. Sarcastic

He says people should not glorify evil and mediocrity then turn and whine (P.63).

He is sarcastic when he says Seymour knows as much law as does a he goat (P.67).

Mossi sarcastically says Hon. Ramdaye and his entire family has invaded the Department of Infrastructure (P.69).

Mossi calls Justice Ian Jaden as a man whose true colors are contradictory to his smart nature (P.69).

Mossi questions Nicole whether she thinks a computer Programme will stop a monkey from eating bananas (P.71)

Mossi indicates how some leaders lack knowledge and says that Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat (p.67).

b. Judgmental and accusative

He accuses Hon Basdeo for posting information about him (P. 59).

Mossi says he is being crucified for mistakes of the people (P.61).

He blames the Samaritan App for messing him (P.60).

The Mayor says that roads resemble the battlefield where bombs were detonated 


Mossi blames the citizens as being responsible for the corrupt nature in the Municipality because they voted people whom they knew could not accomplish anything (P.63).

The Mayor calls Ted a bat and a sinister creature that can’t see and sleeps upside down (P.64).

Mossi reports that Hon. Ted King must have quit schooling after kindergarten and that he sleeps in a drum of illicit liquor (P.65).

He also accuses the leaders for eating the whole loaf together with the wrapping and even the vendor (P.69).

Mossi says that Justice Jaden hawks justice like cabbages (P.69).

The Mayor claims Hon. Seymour hides behind satanic dark glasses that threaten everyone and everything including his own shadow and he can also drive the devil out of hell (P.70)

c. Hateful and sadistic

He says he hopes Tedd will die soon (P65).

Mossi seems to hate everyone he works with. He says all are a disgrace (P.63).

He seems to enjoy the situation in Seymour’s home including the perpetual drunkardness of his wife and the deterioration of the status of his son (P.70).

d. Pretentious 

The Mayor pretends to be sorry to Nicole for having sounded hard on her at the beginning of the meeting and later still dictates what she must do or face it (P.59


Mossi says he is being crucified for mistakes of the people and later says everyone 

has a mistake (P.61).

e. Evasive

He blames everyone else including the voters, the teachers, the school system, the lawyers, his deputy, and other leaders in the municipal for the issues in the Municipal. He is not even aware that the principal wrote him a letter about the APP (P.58).

f. Abusive

The Mayor says Tedd is a bat and scatterbrain (P.64-65).

He abuses Seymour as a pitiful human being (P.66).

Mossi claims that Seymour knows as much law as does a he goat (P.67).

g. Insecure and Suspicious

The Mayor thinks that Hon Basdeo has been posting false information about him

Mossi thinks Nicole is using the app as a political tool.

He says he is very vulnerable to falsehoods as a leader (P.60).

h. Persuasive

He persuades Nicole in all ways so that she lets the project of The Samaritan Appbe null and void (P.58-70)

i. Corrupt

He offers Nicole money so that they drop The Samaritan App (P.61)

He says he takes a slice or even two or only three (P. 68-69).

j. Outspoken

He speaks a lot before Nicole sharing the kind of leaders he has in his office(p.).

k. Dictatorial and bossy

He tells Nicole to ensure the app is no longer working (p.61)

Mossi demands that Nicole deletes all the information that deforms him (P.60)

He tells Nicole top do away with the app of face his wrath (p.73).

l. Humorous

His description of fellow council leaders is humorous. For example, Mossi says that 

Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat (p.67).

He claims that Hon. Seymour hides behind satanic dark glasses that threaten 

everyone and everything including his own shadow and he can also drive the devil 

out of hell (P.70).

Mossi says when you elect a monkey into an office you should not complain when it 

begins to holler (P.71).

m. Hopeless

He says The Samaritan can’t help to redeem the nature of evil in the Municipality

it will only worsen it (P.70). He says it is basically beyond redemption to blame 

people for their nature (P.70).

n. Superstitious

Mossi describes the chains, ripped jeans, necklace and bangles that Seymour puts 

on as satanic(P.65).

He also claims Seymour’s hairstyle is evil (P.65).

Mossi thinks that Ted is a man under obeah (P.64).

3. Narine, the principal

a. Appreciative

She appreciates that Nicole has been one of the best members of her staff (P. 55).

b. Frank

She tells Nicole the dangers of hanging on to the app.

c. Perceptive

She is perceptive enough to know the kind of ambition Nicole has (P.56).

d. Suspicious, doubtful, and skeptical

She suspects that Nicole’s attachment to the App is more that can meet an eye 


e. Fearful and anxious

 She tells Nicole that the matter of the App is dangerous (P.55)

She thinks to get out of the possible danger; Nicole should quit (p.56).

f. Advisory

Narine, the school principal thinks what Nicole is doing is good, and she advices her not to be involved in something that will derail them from the greater good in line with the mission of the school (P.56).

She advices Nicole to put the matter of The Samaritan App at rest (P.56).

g. Diligent and focused

She reports that she takes her work seriously and focuses on the mission of the 

school found in providing quality education to the children (P.56).

h. Hospitable

The secretary offers Mossi a drink when he comes to her office (P.58).

i. Realistic

It is pragmatic to distinguish between politics and the goal of a school (P.57).

j. Experienced and Cautious

She says she is a seasoned administrator who knows battles to wage and those to avoid (P.57).

She also says she has to draw the boundary between the school and politics and so she will not be part of the discussion on the App (P.57).

4. Hon Seymour

a. Corrupt

Mossi accuses him of making sure people part with dollars before he can approve the building plan since he is in charge of the Municipal department of Planning and Development (P.66).

He does not care later what kind of building you have (P.66).

He never studied law, but Mossi asserts that he went downtown and got a degree certificate in law (P.67).

Mossi claims that his deputy ensures only his companies or those of his relatives win tenders for road construction in the Municipality (P.62).

He also misappropriates funds in the construction department (P.63).

Mossi says his deputy has conned almost everyone in town and that he always 

waits for printing of fake title deeds (P.63).

b. Violent and intimidating

Mossi says Seymour is in charge of the mysterious disappearance of people in town (p.66)

He has a murderous Black Swan gang that shoots and violently attacks people in town (P.66).

Mossi says Seymour threatens everyone behind his satanic dark glasses (P.70).

c. Greedy

Mossi says his deputy has conned almost everyone in town and that he always waits

for printing of fake title deeds (P.63).

d. Evil

Mossi says he is evil (P.63)

5. Jaden

a. Corrupt

Mossi accuses him of hawking justice (P.69).

6. Hon Ramdaye

a. Adulterous

Mossi says he has many mistresses (P.69).

b. Corrupt

He also says Ramdaye conducts business in the Municipal council with his people (P.69)

7. Ted King

a. Biased and egocentric

Ted is said to be ensuring that companies associated with his relatives and friends

win their tenders (P.64).

b. Corrupt

He conspires with friends and steals all the money they had budgeted for the health centers and put site officers (P.64).

He earned his livelihood by pirating other people’s music and making noise for everyone (P.65).

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