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Fathers of Nations Excerpt 21 Questions and Answers

What happens before this excerpt? Comment on any three styles used in the excerpt

Dr Afolabi with Fiona Mackenzie
Excerpt 21: Fathers of Nations Excerpts with Answers

 “Ms McKenzie!” he said. “What a pleasant surprise!” He ushered her in. “Please come in.”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” she said. He closed the door then steered her towards a chair.

“Feel at home,” he said.

“And I will.” She sat. “Mother has a question for her boy. How was your day, young one?”

“It was only so- so, “Mother,” he said. “Or, as we say back home, ‘Only small- small.”’

Mother thinks that’s big-big enough. Are you ready for tomorrow?”

As ready as I never will be, I guess, Mother.” He went and sat beside her. 

“And do you still think the summit will adopt Way Omega?”  

Only twelve hours. We can wait.”

“By the way, guess who I ran into downstairs? Someone by the name Longway. I was tracking down a man they call their guide and thought this fellow might be him. Do you know him?”

Dr Afolabi did not answer.

Well, do you know Mr Longway or not?”

“Yes, Ms McKenzie, I do. You might as well know this now: I am their guide.”


“Promise you will keep that to yourself, Okay?”

“I promise.”

“Apart from Mr Longway, whom you now know, there are four other people I’m working with on the periphery of the summit as their guide.  Instead of adopting Way Omega, this group wants the summit to adopt Path Alpha.”

Questions and Answers

1. What happens before this excerpt.(4mks)

  • Tad Longway convinces Ms Mckenzie to have a drink with him.
  • Ms. McKenzie accepts the offer after a persuasion to have a coke with a promise to leave soon.
  • Dr. Afolabi ready to go over his notes on the presidents’ summit one more time.
  • Dr. Afolabi is distracted by a knock at the door.
  • He opens the door to usher Ms. Fiona in.

2. Comment on any three styles in the excerpt. (6mks)

  • Dialogue – Dr. Afolabi talks to Ms. Fiona about the impending change on the switch of “Way Omega” for “Path Alpha”. He reveals his identity to Ms. Fiona.
  • Rhetoric/Rhetorical questions – “.is it just me or has it gone colder over the past two days?” This makes the readers brainstorm on Dr. Abiola Afolabi’s sudden change of stand.
  • Direct Translation – Dr. Afolabi replys, “only small.” When asked how his day was

3. “Feel at home.” He said. (change to reported speech)                          (1mk)

  • He told Ms Mckenzie to feel at home. /He told Ms McKenzie that she should feel at home.

4. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” what is to happen tomorrow from the rest of the text? (3mks)

  • Dr. Afolabi is to attend the presidents' debate the next day. He is to play the role of an advisor to the presidents on the ideas of Way Omega and to help them adopt it.

5. Identify and explain two character traits each of: (4mks)

Dr. Afolabi-

    • Sociable/Friendly/Welcoming/affable – he behaves politely and in a friendly manner towards Ms Mckenzie’s arrival. He recognizes her as Ms. Mckenzie and welcomes her to fell at home.
    • Secretive – he asks Ms. Mckenzie to keep his identity (as the guide) a secret together 

Ms. Fiona Mckenzie-

    • Concerned/Accommodating – she asks Dr. Afolabi how his day was. “How was your day young one?”
    • Inquisitive – digs more information from Dr. Afolabi about Way Omega.
    • Keen/ Observant/ Critical – She observes that Dr.Afolabi does not sound so upbeat as he did two days ago.
    • Persistent - she presses on asking Dr. Afolabi whether he knew Mr. Longway.

6. What is, “this group” and why does it want the summit to adopt, “ Path Alpha” and not “Way Omega”. (4mks)

  • The group being referred to is AGDA- Agency for Governance and Development in Africa. Path Alpha is strong on implementation (a bird in hand) while Way Omega is strong on ideas but weak on implementation.

7. Give the meaning of these words: (3mks)

  • Steered- guided/directed
  • Peripheryside/edge
  • Summit- meeting/conference/discussion/talks

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