A Silent Song Essay: Some people with power end up abusing it Naquib Mahfouz
Many people who are in powerful positions or who have been gifted with some sort of power tend to abuse it - Instead of utilizing it for
A Silent Song and Other Stores essay: A Man of Awesome Powers In today's society, some people with power end up abusing it " Drawing illustrations from Naquib Mahfouz's A Man of Awesome Powers, justify the above statement. Introduction Many people who are in powerful positions or who have been gifted with some sort of power tend to abuse it - Instead of utilizing it for the improvement of society at large, they use it for their own selfish interests or to punish those who have wronged them. Such a scenario is seen in A Man of Awesome Power through a number of illustrations: Body We see Tayyib-Mahdi utilizing the power given to him for revenge. This Is not a good way of power utilization as it causes harm to others. Tayyib realizes that he has the power to order things to be and he sets out to utilize the power to change his country. However, the first episode where he utilizes this power shows that he is utilizing it to hit back a person who offends him. The driver of the taxi…