The Samaritan Essay: Citizens have a role of voting in men and women of honour

Citizens have a role of voting in men and women of honour. When they elect selfish leaders, they end up suffering themselves

Citizens have a role of voting in men and women of honour. When they elect selfish leaders, they end up suffering themselves. Write an essay in support of this claim basing your illustrations on John Lara's The Samaritan.

Electing leaders of integrity is paramount for the well-being and progress of a region. When citizens choose self-seeking leaders, as illustrated in John Lara's "The Samaritan," the consequences are dire. These leaders prioritize personal interests over public welfare, leading to corruption, lawlessness, and inefficiency.

One example is Ramdaye, the Deputy Mayor of Maracas municipality, whose corruption adversely affects citizens. Despite being aware of his fraudulent activities, voters overwhelmingly support him. Ramdaye exploits his position in the Department of Physical Infrastructure to award tenders to his own companies and relatives, resulting in misappropriation of funds and substandard infrastructure. His deceitful practices, such as selling fake title deeds, harm countless lives, showcasing the suffering citizens endure under selfish leadership.

Ted King, the Municipal Secretary for the Department of Health and Environment, is another example. Despite his notorious background as a pirate and public nuisance, citizens elect him based on superficial attributes. Ted manipulates tenders for health center construction to benefit his associates, embezzles funds, and delivers subpar facilities. Citizens, fed up with his incompetence, experience anguish as their health services suffer under such self-serving leadership.

Seymour, the secretary for the Municipal Department of Planning and Development, showcases the repercussions of electing leaders with moral failings. Bribing his way into office with drug money, Seymour compromises building standards, endangers lives, and runs a murderous gang. Despite knowledge of these activities, citizens continue to elect him, subjecting themselves to the consequences of his callous leadership.

Even the mayor, Mossi-oa-Tunya, is not immune to selfish leadership. He abuses his powers to stifle anti-corruption efforts, misallocates public funds for personal gain, and supports corrupt practices within the Municipal Council. The citizens suffer under a den of leaders engaging in corruption, theft, and dishonesty, highlighting the perils of electing leaders solely focused on their interests.

In conclusion, citizens must prioritize electing leaders of integrity to avoid the agony caused by self-seeking individuals. The development of a region hinges on the choice of honorable leaders who prioritize public welfare over personal gain.

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