Notes on Themes in The Samaritan Act 3 Scene 1

The notes on The Samaritan Act 3 Scene 1 Thematic Concerns

Issues and Thematic Concerns in The Samaritan Act 3 Scene 1 


1. Corruption

Through the rhetorical questions posed by Nicole to her students, we get to know that corruption is rampant in Maracas Municipality. 

For example, the hospitals lack drugs because of theft (P.91).

There is soliciting of bribes by the police men/officers before they serve the citizen (P 91).

Alvita indicates how the people of Babylon engaged in corruption (P. 90)

2. Sexual Immorality

Through the discussion between Nicole and her students, we get to know that sexual perversion was rampant in their society of the Babylonians and that is why they disobeyed the Creator (P. 90).

3. Injustices

In this scene we get to know that people in the municipality of Maracas lack justice in courts (P 91).

4. Murder

Murder committed in the society as mentioned by the 4th student (P. 90).

Alvita too shares that the Babylonians killed one another when they disobeyed God (P.91).

5. Superstition

Some students wear a talisman believing it will help them pass exams (P. 91).

6. Religion

Nicole makes a reference to the bible while teaching ethics to the students. For instance, she says for anyone to solve problems in the society they should use the good part of the human heart. As students discuss, they realize that there is good and evil spirits and disobedience results in trouble (P.88-89).

They also have a story within a story in reference to the fall of Jerusalem and the Temple after the siege by the Babylonians in the Ancient Near East. The choice to rob, worship idols, bribe, act dishonestly, and conduct sexual perversions resulted in loss of love (P.90).

The teacher also shares that the spirit of the Beast is always destructive (P.91).

7. Education

The scene happens in Sagrada Secondary school.

Students go through a lesson on ethics with close reference to the bible (p. 88-92)

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