Issues and Thematic Concerns in The Samaritan Act 1 Scene 1

Here are some of the main issues and thematic concerns in The Samaritan Act 1 scene 1

Issues and Thematic Concerns in the Samaritan 


1. Technology

There are intelligent robots mentioned by Alvita and Montano in their play within a 

play (P. 8).

The two students too mention technology for cleaning the air and carbon emissions

(P. 9).

Alvita and Montano discuss the role of digital pigeon holes (P. 10).

The Samaritan app has been online for a month now. It has already been taken over by the national information and communication technology cooperation (P. 18).

Alvita talks about people taking photos and videos of illegal activities that degrade the environment after which they are posted on the digital pigeon holes (P. 11).

Alvita suggests in a play within a play that drugs are generated to regenerate body cells and no one could grow old instead young and beautiful and 250 years (P. 8).

She also shares that there are self-driven vehicles ferrying robot to various destinations to attend meetings and transact businesses (P.9).

The robots will be venturing outside the earth and spend a lot of time conquering new parts of the words (P.8)

Intelligent robots were made to replace judges and the police to enhance justice and there will be no discrimination.

Machines were doing all the work for us , whole factories, hotels, and hospitals were being run entirely by intelligent machines and robots(P.9)

2. Hope and optimism

Alvita talks about people taking photos and videos of illegal activities that degrade the environment after which they are posted on the digital pigeon holes (P. 11).

Alvita suggests in a play within a play that drugs are generated to regenerate body cells and no one could grow old instead young and beautiful and 250 years (P. 8).

She also shares that there are self-driven vehicles ferrying robot to various destinations to attend meetings and transact businesses.

The robots will be venturing outside the earth and spend a lot of time conquering new parts of the words (P.8)

Intelligent robots were made to replace judges and the police to enhance justice and there will be no discrimination.

Machines were doing all the work for us, whole factories, hotels, and hospitals were being run entirely by intelligent machines and robots (P.9).

3. Bad governance and negligence by the leaders

Alvita says that resources are there, however, they should be well used and put to the right channel and for the correct purpose (P. 10).

People cannot afford medicine and good food at all and suffer from malnutrition ( P.


Crime is too high with people being slaughtered like chicken (P. 7).

Law enforcers and judges serve those who grease their hands, hence people lack an avenue for protection and justice hence seek a private one or take law into their own hands (P. 7).

4. Corruption , Impunity and Blackmail

Law enforcers and judges serve those who grease their hands, hence people lack an avenue for protection and justice (P. 7).

Mossi tells the principal that it is in her powers to find a way around (P. 17).

He says that his decision supersedes those of any education officials anywhere in the country (P.17).

5. Environmental degradation and Climatic change 

Alvita talks about people taking photos and videos of illegal activities that degrade the environment after which they are posted on the digital pigeon holes (P. 11).

Montano predicts the future world where the cities have a bad stench because cleaning water was very scarce after the climatic change (P. 6).

Montano too shares that there are unpredictable weather patterns, it hardly rains (P. 6).

Montano says that people begun to eat strange things like insects, crawling creatures, rodents and sea creatures (P. 6).

Once the weather patterns change, life expectancy drops drastically (P. 7).

6. Hopelessness and Desperation 

People cannot afford medicine and good food at all and suffer from malnutrition (P.


Montano shares that millions of young people were loitering aimlessly in the streets and villages without gainful employment. All of them were poor hungry and angry (P. 5).

Montano too says crime is too high with people being slaughtered like chicken (P.7). 

She further shares that law enforcers and judges serve those who grease their hands hence people lack an avenue for protection and justice hence seek a private one or take law into their own hands (P. 7).

7. Poverty and unemployment/joblessness

Montano shares that millions of young people were loitering aimlessly in the streets and villages without gainful employment. All of them were poor hungry and angry (P. 5).

Montano tells Alvita that their country has been producing graduates every year that the jobs it is able to create (P. 5).

8. Education 

Sagrada secondary school is an institution where education is offered. It has students like Alvita and Montano who are creative and innovative. They are mentored by Nicole. There is a deputy by the name Carmona and the principal Narine who supports their program.

Montano tells Alvita that their country has been producing graduates every year that the jobs it is able to create (P. 5).

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