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Notes on the Nine Parts of Speech

Comprehensive notes on parts of speech with examples

The following are parts of speech in English:

1. Nouns

Nouns are names of people, animals, things, places, ideas or actions.
People - Alex, Mary, teacher, farmer, doctor, etc
Things - shoe, bag, table, tree, roof, stone, office, etc
Animals - giraffe, elephant, goat, cow, mongoose, kangaroo, etc
Places - Church, town, Nairobi, Pretoria, market, parliament, court, etc
Ideas - peace, hope, justice, courage, anger, colour, etc
Actions - farming, cooking, trading, flying, reading, eating, etc

2. Pronouns

Pronouns take the place nouns or the noun phrases when we do not want to name the nouns or the noun phrases. There are various types of pronouns:
Personal pronouns - I, me, he, she, us, they, them,we, us
Impersonal pronouns - One, it
Possessive pronouns - mine, yours, his, hers, ours,theirs
Demonstrative pronouns - this, that, those,these
Reflexive pronouns - myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves, itself
Relative pronouns - that, which, who, whose, whom
Indefinite pronouns - somebody, nobody, no one, everyone, someone, nothing, everything, each
Reciprocal pronouns - one another, each other.

3. Adjectives

Adjectives give us more information about nouns. Adjectives are divided into:
Quantitative adjectives - several, some, none, ten, each, many, much, all, both, etc
Qualitative adjectives: kind, wonderful, beautiful, difficult, easy, green, generous, big, huge, pretty, safe, important, etc

4. Verbs

A verb is a word that shows an action or a state. We have regular verbs (those that form past tense/participle by taking suffix -d or -ed) and irregular verbs (form past tense/participle without following any definite rules).
Regular verbs - walk, talk, pray, ask, create, etc
Irregular verbs - wake, weep, sit, swim, see, do, etc


Adverbs are words that describe verbs (actions). They answer the questions how, when and where an action took place. They include: slowly, quickly, hard, never, everywhere, yesterday, quite, usually, etc.

6. Prepositions

Prepositions tell us the relationship between words or expressions in a sentence. They include: in, over, under, above, to, apart from, out, for, etc

7. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are words that join words or groups of words. Examples of conjunctions: and or but, so, although, since, moreover, however, for, either...or, neither...nor, etc

8. Interjections

Interjections are words or groups of words that are used to express emotions or feelings. Interjections include: wow! Oh! Ah! Ouch! Oops! My goodness! Oh my god!

9. Articles

Articles are used to modify nouns. They tell us whether we are referring to a noun in a general or a specific way. Articles are of two types:
Definite article - the
Indefinite articles - a, an

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