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The Use of Rising and Falling Intonation in English

In English, there are basically two kinds of intonation: rising and falling and we use arrows to show indicate whether it isrising or falling...
Intonation is the rise and fall of the voice in speaking. This is very crucial for communication.
In English, there are basically two kinds of intonation: rising and falling and we use arrows to show indicate whether it is rising or falling. ↘ represents falling intonation while ↗ represents the rising one. 

Falling Intonation

Falling intonation is when we lower our voice at the end of a sentence.
This usually happens in: 

(a) Statements 

for example,
• I like↘ bananas.
• It is nice working with ↘you.
• She travelled to↘ Eldoret. 

(b) W/H Questions

• What is your ↘name?
• Where do you ↘live?
• How old are↘ you?
• Who is this young↘ man? 

(c) Commands

• Get out ↘now.
• Give me the ↘money.
• Close your ↘books. 

(d) Exclamatory sentences 

• What a wonderful ↘present!
• How ↘nice of you

Rising intonation

Rising intonation is used when we lower our voices. It is used in:

• General Questions 

Do you visit them↗ often?
Have you seen ↗her?
Are you ready to ↗start?
Could you give me a↗ pen, please? 

• Alternative questions 

Do you want ↗coffee or ↘tea?
Does he speak↗ Kiswahili or ↘English? 

• Before tag questions

This is a beautiful ↘place, ↗isn’t it?
She knows↘ him,↗ doesn’t she? 

• Enumerating

↗One, ↗two,↗ three, ↗four,↘ five.
She bought ↗bread, ↗cheese, ↗oranges, and ↘apples.

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