Features and functions of Dilemma Narratives

The features and functions of Dilemma Narratives


Definition of Dilemma stories

A dilemma story is a story in which at the end, the audience is presented with two or more choices/options to choose from and none of them is easy to choose from. The audience is thus left with a rhetorical question that evokes them to discuss possible solutions.

An example of a dilemma narrative

A young man borrowed a spear from a friend who said he could have it as a gift. He went to the war with it and drove it through an enemy chief. The enemy chief fled with the spear in his body. The young man was honoured and rewarded by his people, but his friend who had given him the spear became jealous and demanded back his spear.

The young man set out to retrieve the spear accompanied by his girlfriend who said that if he was to die, she would die with him. They met the enemy chief’s eldest daughter who stole the spear from her father and gave it to the young man, declaring love for him. The young man fled with the two girls.

On reaching a river, the boatman refused to take them across the river. The boatman was killed by his own daughter, who also declared her love for the young man. After crossing the river, the young man died and his three wives mourned him. A fourth girl resurrected him magically on the condition that she will be his wife.

Now which of these four women will be the young man’s wife?

Choose only one option with supporting reasons.

What are some features/characteristics of dilemma narratives?

Features of dilemma narratives

  • It presents the audience with two or more choices none of which is easy to make. 
  • There is a lot of suspense as the dilemma story is told, the audience is eager to find out what decision the character made.
  • A dilemma narrative involves situations that require passing judgement on ethical or moral grounds
  • The dilemma story ends with the narrator posing a question to be debated by the listeners.
  • A dilemma narrative facilitates critical and creative thinking
  • What are some functions of dilemma narratives?

Functions of dilemma narratives

  • Dilemma narratives are used to entertain.
  • There is a moral lesson at the end of a dilemma story.
  • Dilemma narratives help cultivate critical thinking
  • Dilemma narratives enhance sound judgement 
  • Dilemma narratives  help Develop language skills
  • Dilemma narratives help Cultivate good debating


  1. Anonymous
    Good notes am embraced
  2. Anonymous
    Good notes
  3. Anonymous
    good notes