How to Perform Better in KCSE English Paper Three Essay Writing Questions

KCSE English Paper Three Essay Writing english paper three essay writing


Generally speaking, this paper tests a candidate’s ability to communicate in writing.


For question 1 a) and b), and within the constraints set by each of these questions, it is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the marks.

To perform well in English Paper 3 (101/3), the learner must demonstrate to have achieved different objectives of writing. 

The objectives of writing in English Paper Three (101/3) are;

  1.   Write legibly and neatly
  2.  Apply spelling rules and spell words correctly
  3.   Use punctuation marks correctly
  4. Write clear and correct sentences, and organize ideas in a logical sequence
  5.  Communicate effectively in writing, using a variety of sentence structures
  6.  Develop paragraphs using different devices
  7. Use figurative language correctly and appropriately
  8. Use cohesive devices in developing paragraphs
  9.  Use punctuation marks appropriately, competently and creatively
  10. Demonstrate competence in writing different types of essays
  11. Present information in a variety of ways
  12. Demonstrate competence in using a wide range of sentence structures and vocabulary to create the desired effect. 

Communication in writing is therefore established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, accuracy, fluency, pleasantness and

Generally speaking, there are four levels of ability to communicate in English as indicated in the four classes below:

A class



Ø  The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively, with originality andefficiency.

Ø  He/She has the ability to make us share his deep feelings, emotions,enthusiasms. 

Ø  He/She expresses himself freely and without any visible constraint.

Ø  The script gives evidence of maturity, good planning and often humour. 

Ø  Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language.

Ø  There is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expression.



B class




Ø  This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression.

Ø  The candidatedemonstrates that he/she can use english as a normal way of expressing himself/herself. 

Ø  Sentences are varied and usually well constructed. 

Ø  Some candidates become ambitious and even over-ambitious.

Ø  There may be items of merit of the one word or one expression type. 

Ø  Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language. 


C class



Ø  The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly.  He is not confident with his language.

Ø  The subject is often undeveloped.

Ø  There may be some digressions. 

Ø  Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. 

Ø  The arrangement is weak and the flow jerky.

Ø  There is no economy of language

Ø  Mother tongue influence is felt.



D class



Ø  The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say.

Ø  The candidate fails to fit the English words he knows into meaningful sentences.

Ø  The subject is glanced at or distorted.

Ø  Practically no valid punctuation. 

Ø  All kinds of errors (“Broken English”).

 Where do you think you lie in the performance of English Paper Three?

To score highly, candidates must avoid the following gross errors (serious errors) that are heavily penalized and condemn them to D and C classes.

  •   Omission of words
  •  Faulty paragraphing
  • Repetition
  • Illegibility
  •  Vagueness
  • Wrong word order
  • Illogicality
  • Joining and separation of words
  • Wrong spellings
  • Punctuation errors especially misuse of capitalization
  •  Subject verb agreement errors.
  • Use of contracted forms except in speech
  • Misuse and ridiculous use of idioms.

The above errors are generally called errors of construction and greatly impede a candidate’s ability to communicate.


For you to score good marks in English Paper Three, take note of the following.

  •      Write neatly and in a good handwriting
  •   Let your essay be of not more than 2 A4 size pages no matter the size of your handwriting. If you use blocked paragraphs then you can extend as much as the lines skipped between the paragraphs. There is a penalty of -2 marks for long essays.
  • Write on trending topics such as terrorism, drug abuse, rape, corruption, technology, road carnage, technology, environmental pollution, parenting, the girl child, domestic violence, poverty eradication, cancer, etc.
  • Ensure if you have an end or a beginning given, it must be written and be exactly the way it is.
  • The story must be relevant.
  • Unless given a topic or title, it is not a must that your essay has a title. You may just begin making errors in your title and give a poor first impression of yourself.
  • Kenyan English is allowed with words like githeri, matatu, panga, rungu, shamba, murram,,wananchi, ugali, madarasa, harambee, matoke,maendeleoyaWanawake, salaam, ayah, askari,debe, duka, nyayo, boma, sukuma wiki, goat party, manyatta, magendo, nyama choma
  • Both American and British spellings are allowed but be consistent. If you decide to use the American one for a word eg neighbor, then stick to that. Varying it will be taken as a spelling error. Be consistent.
  • You can score if you incorporate the different creative use of stylistic devices you have learnt such as irony, allusion, vivid descriptions, flashbacks, foreshadows, personification, similes, metaphors, dialogue, rhetorical questions, proverbs, humour, suspense etc.
  • Create credible characters. Do not use characters such as ogres who do not do things that ordinary human beings do. Your characters should be people with ordinary senses such as taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing.
  • Use a wide and varied range of vocabulary. Use colloquial expressions as well as phrasal verbs. But do not overuse or misuse these.
  • xiiVary your sentence structures from questions, declaratives, interrogatives, orders, inversions, compound, complex, simple, long, short, direct, indirect speech, passive, active etc.
  • xii Avoid vulgar and obscene language and demonstrate maturity and respect by showing that you have learnt from your experiences. Do not glorify crime. Let your villains be punished while the heroes are rewarded.
  • As you write your composition just ask yourself: Are you communicating? Can someone follow your story?

There are also compositions that require discussions, exposition, debates, arguments, on a given topic. Many candidates think that it is the number of points they raise and their validity that score. How wrong they are. What matters is still the ability to communicate and the problem with such compositions is that they inhibit for a student who is less creative, their ability to communicate. Candidates must be son cautious when picking on these compositions.


Write an essay arguing for or against the government’s proposal to introduce a similar uniform for all Kenyan public school.

QUESTION 2 AND 3 of English Paper Three (101/3) Essay Writing

Apart from the writing objectives mentioned in question one above, this question further seeks to test your intensive reading objectives which include:

i.         Study of novels, plays, poems and short stories

ii.       Focus on plot and literary language

iii.     Focus on characterization and themes

iv.     Aspects of style

v.       Focus on critical analysis of the prescribed texts: one novel, one play, and one play/novel/anthology of short stories

General demands of English Paper Three  Essay Writing Questions (101/3)

Ø  Your essay length demands must be not more than 2 pages as in question 1 Provide six paragraphs.
The first is an introduction.
The introduction scores two marks
It could be general/ specific or contextual / general to specific or simply an outline.
Avoid definitions per se.
You can also paraphrase the question in your own words without repeating exact words in the question.
The definitions can tell your interpretation of the question and the line of thought you will take in your essay.

The introduction of English Paper Three Essay Writing can score the following.

0-      No introduction or the introduction is irrelevant

1-      A fair introduction that does not meet the full demands of the question.

2-       A full introduction that fully meets the demands of the question.

A good introduction can just be as short as just a sentence. Look at the introduction below on

Ø  The following 4 paragraphs comprise the body or content of English Paper Three Essay Writing. 

It is the textual evidence/illustrations for your arguments.

The first sentence must be a clear topical sentence that puts forth your point of argument and the rest are clear details of evidence from the text.

  • Use the simple present tense.
  • Avoid textual errors here. This is where you ‘lie’ about what is in the text.
  • Avoid plain narration without attempting to answer the question.
  • Relate the demands of the question to what is happening in the text.
  • The range of marks here are a thin(1), fair(2), full(3)  or unpointed (0).

Ø  The conclusion of The English Paper Three Essay can either be valid, invalid or no conclusion.

It scores a maximum of 2 marks depending on the content.

Anyone scoring 1-5 in the content, scores 1

Anyone scoring 6-12, scores 2

The conclusion can as well as just be invalid and you score 0

It can summarize your points, or give your personal view relevant to the question or simply reassert the question.

Ø  The 4marks for Language/Grammar is awarded according to the marks of the content scored as follows.

1-4  scores 1

5/6 scores 2

7-8 scores 3

9-12 scores 4



Concentrate on the moral values, the thematic concerns, societal issues, the virtues, the vices. The approach is simple, characters actions, the motives behind them and then the effects, reactions and consequences. Vices are condemned and punished while virtues are encouraged and rewarded. We celebrate heroes and heroines while punish villains.


Irresponsible decisions lead to serious consequences…BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH


Ill gotten wealth can never bring true happiness……INHERITANCE

Desire without limits can be a source of agony to us and our families…..THE PEARL


Self-centredness does not pay….CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE

Some people keep making one bad decision after another… MEMORIES WE LOST

There is a direct link between oppression and weakness in a leader’s character….BETRAYAL IN THE CITY

Greed is evil in nature…..THE PEARL

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