1. Conventional ways of attracting attention:
i. Telling a relevant proverb
ii. Giving an appropriate, summarizing riddle.
iii. Use an appropriate opening phrase/introductory statement: “I have a story/take a story/story story”
iv. Challenging them with a tongue-twister.
v. Posing/asking a surprising question.
vi. Ringing a bell or drum
vii. Whistling
viii. Clearing throat Clapping
2. Body language that show alertness on the part of the audience:
i. Nodding
ii. Smiling
iii. Clapping
iv. Applauding
v. Laughing
vi. Sitting upright
vii. Leaning forward
3. Ways in which the audience can contribute towards the successful delivery of a narrative:
i. Joining in choral parts(singing).
ii. Clapping/applauding.
iii. Cheering.
iv. Telling parts of the story.
v Nodding in agreement.
4. Indicators of active participation of the audience in performance:
i. Nodding the heads in agreement.
ii. Clapping their hands.
iii. Joining in singing/chanting.
iv. Completing statements.
v. Putting interjections/utterances;(shouting).
vi. Stamping their feet.
5. Indicators of the inattentiveness of the audience:
i. Blank/uncomprehending stare at the narrator.
ii. Whispering to each other. Dozing off.
iii. Fidgeting
iv. In deep meditation/thought.
6. Causes of restlessness on the part of the audience:
i. Boredom
ii. Hunger
iii. Technicality of the speaker.
iv. The speaker may have taken too long.
v. The speaker may be repetitive in his ideas.
vi. The audience is tired.
vii. The audience is pressed and so wants to relieve themselves.
7. Causes of interruption by the audience during the presentation:
i. Vulgarity/use of unfamiliar language.
ii. Falsehood.
iii. Inconsistency
iv. Timidity; fearful and hesitant.
v. Use of abusive language.
vi. Fidgeting; behaving nervously and restlessly.
vii. Presentation of known facts wrongly.
8. Ways to attract the attention of the audience:
i. Greet the audience to create rapport.
ii. Maintain eye contact with listeners.
iii. Begin with a surprising question.
iv. Adopt an appropriate posture.
v. Good grooming and appearance to avoid distracting the audience.
vi. Be precise, clear and audience.
9. Causes of fidgeting on the part of the audience:
i. Boredom
ii. Agitation
iii. Nervousness
iv. Abuse
v. Vulgarity; use of unfamiliar/technical language.
vi. Inaudibility.
10. How the audience can improve their attention:
i. Avoid distractions; audio or visual.
ii. Maintain upright posture/sit upright.
iii. Maintain eye contact with the speaker.
iv. Lay attention to the use of connectors/gestures in speech.
v. Lean forward.
vi. Raise your head.
vii. Take notes.
viii. Sit strategically near the speaker.
11. Ways to effectively listen to speech:
i. Maintain eye contact with the speaker.
ii. Listen actively by taking notes, nodding or clapping.
iii. Avoid distractive mannerisms or dressing; daydreaming or over-concentration on the speakers.
iv. Observe the speaker’s use of an official expression, tonal variation, gestures, pregnant/significant pauses, and body movements.
v. Pay attention to discourse markers that alert the audience on the direction the speaker is taking e.g. in conclusion, however etc