How to Write a Business Letter

Business letters are usually from one organization/company/institution to another, or between such and their customers and other external parties.

Business letters are usually from one organization/company/institution to another, or between such and their customers and other external parties.

A business letter has two addresses, salutation, RE, ends with a signature, and it's contents are professional in nature.

It is more formal than personal letters.

You must have the formatting down.

Some types of business letters are:

Sales letters 

Sales letters are written to persuade buyers to purchase products without a salesperson getting involved in the process.

Order letters  

Order letters are  sent by consumers or businesses to manufacturers, retailers or wholesalers to order goods and services.  The contents include quantity, name, etc of the product.

Complaint letters 

Complaint letters use a tone that will make your complaint be satisfied.

Inquiry letters   

Inquiry letters are written to elicit information from the recipient.

Letters of Recommendation 

Letters of recommendation are usually written by previous employer describing the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Others types of letters 

Other types of letters include include: cover letters, acknowledgment letters, letters of resignation, follow-up letters, and adjustment letters. 

Business Letters Format

There are two layouts of business letters: Block and Indented layouts.

When you choose to use block layout, all the information is written flush left.

Provide your address first.

Then skip one line and provide the date.

Skip one more line and provide the inside address of the addressee.

Note that when using letterhead, there is no need of writing your address. Only begin with the date.

Skip yet another line and write salutation. This is followed by a colon. Comma is used for personal correspondence.

Write “RE” and write the subject.

Write the body. Skip lines between the paragraphs.

After the body, write complementary close, followed by a comma, sign, then type your name and title(only if applicable) 

When you choose to use indented layout:

Your address appears on the right.

Date on the right.

Addressee’s address, salutation on the left.

Typing do not start from the flush left.

No skipping lines between paragraphs.

Type the closing and signature in the center.

Note: Block format looks professional.

A sample business letter


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