English Paper 2 questions: Exerpt from compulsory text, Poetry and Grammar

English Paper 2 Excerpts, Poetry and Grammar notes and tips



The tips for Question 1: Conventionalcomprehension/ Unseen Passage are

Question 2: Excerpt from Compulsory text

Areas Tested in English paper 2 Question 2 Excerpt question:

·         The excerpt passage is  picked from either of compulsory texts- Novel, Play

·    For the excerpt question, it is important to focus on Episodic Scenes- Important scenes in the text that propel the plot.

How the Excerpt is Tested

The excerpt question involves a variety of questions that capture plot development, characterization, themes, style, paraphrasing, semantics and grammar

Context questions

·     Context questions include:

what happens immediately before or after? must be immediate; shouldn’t go too far ahead or back.

·         Put the extract in its immediate context – Candidates expected to say what happens before and after. Each point scores 1mk (hint: check on opening statement/speech and ending to have an idea)

Challenge that most students face in excerpts: 

The most common challenge facing students in excerpts going beyond context/ failure to appreciate passage/ interrelation of content.

·         Characterization- identification-1mk-Illustration-1mk (total=2mks)

NB: illustration alone does not score but identification does

Challenge that most students face in characterization:

When answering characterization questions, some Candidates stroke many traits but only illustrate one which doesn’t score

NB: There are no penalties for grammatical errors on spelling except for styles that must be correctly spelt.

Penalties in English paper 2 Question 2 excerpt questions

·      Penalties in English paper 2 question 2 exerpt questions include the following:

   Factual/ Textual Errors

        i.            Misspelling character names- Becky/ Betty; Aoro/ Awour ; Otieno/ Atieno

      ii.            Failure to identify demand of question

·         Stroking character traits/themes/styles

Candidates may stroke answers thinking they are related then fail to explain/ illustrate on both.. e.g.kind/generous…merciful/sympathetic satire/sarcasm etc

Question 3: Poetry

Areas Tested in English question 3 paper 2:

Question 3 paper 2 tests Poems picked from contemporary/ emerging issues in country/ world by African poets, European or Caribbean poets

How Poetry is Tested in question in paper 2 English

Poetry question in English paper 2 offers a  variety of questions that capture the meaning of the poem- literal or implied, characterization, themes/ message in poem, style, paraphrasing, mood, tone, attitude, semantics, and grammar.

Tips on Poetry

·         Read the poem the first time to get literal/ surface meaning

·         Do a second reading and answer the following questions

        i.            Is there a title? (Interact with title) e.g. Guilt of Giving, Outcast, Touch, At the Window, Good Company, The Road Not Taken. Is the title symbolic/ literal?

      ii.            Who is the persona?

    iii.            Who/ what is the addressee?

    iv.            What’s the message from the persona?

      v.            Which styles have been used?

·       Attempt the questions asked

        i.            What’s the poem about? / Explain the meaning of the poem

ii.            Should give the main theme of the poem and its / explanation /illustration ii.   

    iii.            Explore message stanza by stanza…

    iv.            If one fails to get nouns to use/ elaborate e.g.

      v.            Poem is about exploitation/ oppression…state in the poem, people are overworked, underpaid..etc Corruption/ poor governance/ leadership…the rich are getting richer/give money for favours, the poor are petitioning the rich. etc

    vi.            A summary only scores 1mk


NB: Not all poems have deeper/ symbolic meaning. CANDIDATES CAN GIVE EITHER LITERAL OR IMPLIED MEANING.

·         Styles  - identification- 1mk –must be correctly spelt. Illustration-1mk-must quote from the poem. Identification alone scores 1 mark

·         Mood –the atmosphere in the air…e.g. Announcing KCSE results/ anxiety/uncertainty…people are restless, etc must use an adjective to describe the mood

·         Tone- manner of speech..determined by subject matter/ theme/ message (Usually determined by the last stanza UNLESS question is specific

·         Attitude-feeling towards something-choice of words

·         Characterization/ What do we learn about the person/ addressee?

The tips for Question 1: Conventionalcomprehension/ Unseen Passage are here

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