Classification of Oral Narratives with Examples
Oral Narratives can be classified into the following categories: Myths, legends, trickster narratives, hero tales etiological narratives
Classification of Oral Narratives Oral narratives may be classified into the following categories: 1. Myths narratives Myths may be defined as prose narratives which, in the societies they are told are considered to be truthful accounts of what happened in the remote past. Myths are accepted on faith and are taught to be believed. Myths can also be cited as authority in answer to ignorance, doubt, or disbelief. Myths are characterized by: religious significance, the main characters are supernatural beings, i.e. The Gods. Myths often try to explain the origin of life and death, mans’ relationship with the gods etc Myths may appear in narrative or poetic form. Consider this example of Fulani myth from Mali below: How the world was created from a drop of milk In the beginning, there was a huge drop of milk Then Donnadani came and created stone Then stone created iron; An iron created fire; And fire created water And water created air Then Dondari descended a second time. And he to the five elements And…