KCSE 2024 English Paper 3 Performance Analysis
The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) English Paper 3 for 2024 presented a mixed bag of performances across its various sections. Here's a detailed breakdown of how students fared in each question:
Imaginative Composition and Expository Writing
General Performance:
Imaginative Composition: This segment was generally well performed. Students demonstrated creativity and were able to structure their narratives effectively.
Question 1a:
Candidates who chose this question often outshone those who attempted 1b. A significant issue was the misunderstanding or omission of the rubric "I came to realize it was not too late to start all over again." Many candidates either distorted the rubric or completely omitted it, leading to a loss of marks.
Question 1b:
The performance here was average, with the primary challenge being the confusion between "discipline" and "disciple." Despite this, some candidates managed to score full marks (20/20) by effectively discussing the importance of discipline.
Question 2
This question was remarkably well answered. Students could clearly identify and articulate the idea, obstacles, efforts, and success in their responses. Even average students managed decent scores, with the best achieving a perfect 20/20 score. The question was nationally well-handled, with few instances of vague or unpointed answers.
Question 3 - Short Stories, Novels, and Plays
Question 3a:
Short stories were tackled well by most candidates. They successfully identified key elements like advice given, fallout, and the resulting suffering. Even weaker candidates could engage with the themes, leading to generally high scores.
Question 3b:
This question saw poorer performance as candidates struggled to understand the broader implications of OYUNDI's risks against a tyrannical government. Most could only identify basic issues like fighting tyranny and the risk of assassination, with few delving into deeper complexities like treason. The overall narrative was more descriptive than analytical.
Question 3c:
The novel-based question on misunderstanding was largely avoided or poorly answered. Students focused on narrating Ichiro's actions without linking these to the broader theme of misunderstanding women's societal positions. This led to a high number of red marks, indicating a lack of critical engagement with the text.
Overall Trends and Popularity
Question 3a was the most popular, followed by 3b, with 3c being the least attempted. Overall, Paper 3 in 2024 showed better performance compared to previous years.
Advice for Future Performance
Text Familiarity: Encourage students to thoroughly read and understand the set texts as they form the basis for answering questions effectively.
Levels of Analysis: Teach students to not only recall but also apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate content. This higher-order thinking is crucial for excelling in Paper 3.
Critical Thinking: English Paper 3 demands critical thinking. Educators should focus on developing these skills to enable students to handle complex questions better.