The Samaritan: People who Engage in Wrongdoing cannot Escape from the Consequences of their Actions Essay

In "The Samaritan." Some individuals resort to illegal and dishonest actions, harbouring hopes of avoiding accountability.

People who engage in wrongdoing cannot escape from the consequences of their actions. Write an essay to support this claim basing your illustrations on John Lara’s The Samaritan.

The assertion that individuals involved in wrongful activities cannot evade the repercussions of their deeds is well-founded, as illustrated in John Lara's work, "The Samaritan." Some individuals resort to illegal and dishonest actions, harbouring hopes of avoiding accountability. However, the narrative of characters like Inspector Bembe, Justice Ian Jaden, Mayor Mossi, Hon. Seymour, and Deputy Mayor Ramdaye in "The Samaritan" exemplifies the inevitability of facing consequences for their transgressions.

Inspector Bembe, immersed in corruption, human rights violations, and criminal activities, ultimately pays the price when his wrongdoings are exposed through The Samaritan. His attempts to suppress information and evade justice prove futile, leading to his arrest and personal and professional challenges.

Justice Ian Jaden, a corrupt judge engaged in unethical practices, experiences the fallout of his actions. Despite his belief in strategic evasion, he succumbs to exposure, facing health issues and legal consequences. The fraudulent "grain scandal" involving his company, Prime Orchard Farm, unravels, and his attempts to manipulate the system crumble.

Mayor Mossi, implicated in corrupt practices and abuse of office, attempts to conceal his actions but finds himself entangled in a web of allegations. Despite his efforts to manipulate public opinion and resort to bribery, he is ultimately arrested by the anti-corruption chief, Tajo, emphasizing the inevitability of accountability.

Hon. Seymour, accused of supplying air to the municipal council through fraudulent billing, wages a futile war against exposure on The Samaritan app. His involvement in illegal activities, from corrupt practices to leading a criminal gang, leads to his arrest by the Anti-corruption Bureau.

Deputy Mayor Ramdaye, despite his role as a leader, engages in dishonest practices such as selling public land and swindling individuals. His arrest by Tajo underscores the inescapable consequences of unethical behaviour.

In conclusion, "The Samaritan" vividly portrays the inescapable repercussions of engaging in wrongdoing, emphasizing that individuals who participate in unethical acts, such as corruption, nepotism, and criminal involvement, inevitably face the consequences of their actions.

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