The Hare and the Tortoise Narrative Oral Skills Questions

Sharp observers noticed a faint odd smile on her face and a slight twinkle in the eyes beneath the droopy eyelids.

The Hare and the Tortoise


Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow:

One day in June, Hare started bragging to the world in jungle land about his talents and abilities.

“I’m so fast” he said, “that I can beat anyone who wants to race with me. I’m Mr. Hot stuff on the track.” 

Tortoise blazed at Hare through drooping eyelids. “Alright”, said Tortoise. I’ll take you up on it. I think I can beat you. Let’s do it” 

“You!” Exclaimed Hare astonished. 

“Why? You’re slower than an elephant asleep stuck in the mud. I can beat you ten times before you go three feet.” 

“Insult me if you want”, replied Tortoise. “I have a hard shell. But hold up on the bragging and boasting until the race is over. You never know, you know.” 

They decided to race for a distance of a mile, Giraffe acted as the starter. “Ready? On your marks. 

Go!” barked the Giraffe. 

Hare took off like a tornado, rounding the bond in a few seconds. He felt the race was such a joke. He decided to take a little nap. He fell asleep and dreamed about the fields of Kales. 

Tortoise chugged along at a determined, steady pace, very slowly. Eventually, she lumbered past Hare. 

Sharp observers noticed a faint odd smile on her face and a slight twinkle in the eyes beneath the droopy eyelids. Meanwhile, the snoring hare dreamed about the luscious Kales. A thunderclap awoke him. The sky was cloudy until the sun was setting 

Hare leaped up, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and zoomed down the road. When he got to the finishing line, the crowd of chimpanzees was cheering Tortoise on. Tortoise inched over the fishing line, a foot ahead of speeding Hare. 

She was Victorious! 

“Eat my dust Bunny Boy!” said Tortoise 

“You can eat your smart words for dinner too.” 

Hare was too embarrassed for words. She shrunk back to his house, somewhat educated in the school of experience.

Oral Skills Questions and answers on the proud hare and the tortoise 

i. State two ways in which you can begin telling this story during a live performance (2marks)

- Begin with a surprising question.

- Clap or ring a bell.

- Start by telling a joke.

- Begin with a famous quotation or a proverb

(Award any 2 correct answers = 2 marks)

ii) If you were part of the audience for this story, explain two things you would do to show that you are participating in the story. (2marks)

  • Maintain eye contact
  • Nod In agreement
  • Answer any question regarding the story by the narrator during narration
  • Laugh at funny instances
  • Respond to narrator’s use of tonal variation, gestures, facial expressions etc.
  • Ask questions at the end

 (Award any 2 correct answers = 2 marks)

iii. Explain how you would say the statement, “You can eat your smart words for dinner, too.”(2 marks).

-Use a spiteful/mocking tone………

-Wear a sneering face when saying……

-roll eyes to show scorn…..

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