The Samaritan Revision Essay Questions

Below are Top Revision Essay Questions Based on The Samaritan by John Lara

Revision Essay Questions Based on The Samaritan By John Lara


1) Using appropriate examples from The Samaritan, by John Lara show how the theme of Corruption has been illustrated. 

2) Discuss the cases of conflict in The Samaritan by John Lara. 

3) John Lara has employed the theme of courage. By referring to Nicole, show how true this statement is. 

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4) Clearly residents of Maracas Municipality have not completely forgotten their responsibilities as citizens. Justify this statement, giving illustrations from The Samaritan by John Lara. 

5) State and explain the character traits of Mossi in the text, The Samaritan by John Lara 

6) A person who is unshakeable and does what is expected of him/her usually emerges triumphant. Referring to the play, support this statement. (20 marks) 

7) "Most of the African leaders are dictators who cover up for their inadequacies." Using, The Samaritan, justify the above statement using Mossi as an example. 

8) The condition of Maracas can be blamed on its leaders, Discuss the validity of this statement, basing your argument on the play The Samaritan 

9) The Samaritan application has caused nightmares to the leadership in Maracas. Discuss the various means leaders use to quell the threat of the app, basing your argument on John Lara's The Samaritan. 

10) The media has proven to be a powerful tool, both positively and negatively. Discuss basing you arguments on John Lara's The Samaritan. 

11) The Samaritan is a play that centers around corruption that exists and can be comparable to the state of affairs in post-independent Africa. Discuss. 

12) Choose friends wisely since, with friends like Mayor Mossi, one for sure needs no enemies. With reference to The Samaritan, discuss how Mayor Mossi turns blame towards his friends. 

13) Ms. Nicole is a representation of morality and straightforwardness, with close reference to John Lara's The Samaritan, discuss the validity of the above statement. 

14) Leaders will use all available tricks to ensure they remain in power. Using the character Mayor Mossi in John Lara's The Samaritan, discuss.  

15) Politics has always been described as a dirty game. Prove the validity of the given statement, with reference to John Lara's The Samaritan. 

16) Mayor Mossi is unfit to run the Maracas Municipality. With close reference to John Lara's The Samaritan, discuss. 

17) With determination, there is bound to be change with good triumphing over evil. With reference to John Lara's The Samaritan, discuss.

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