Example of An Oral Narrative: The Hare and the Chameleon

How the Chameleon defeated the hare who wanted to take his beautiful girlfriend

The hare and the chameleon oral Story


Read the story below and then answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, the hare and the chameleon were good friends. Since the two were friends the chameleon invited the hare to accompany him to the home of his girlfriend. The chameleon was going to meet the parents of his girlfriend and introduce himself as a prospective son-in-law. He needed a friend to accompany him on that mission. The hare was happy to be invited by the chameleon for he was wondering how and where the chameleon would have found a girl to marry.

The day to visit the chameleon’s girlfriend came, and the two friends started on their journey early in the morning and got to the girl’s home a little after midday. On arrival they were welcomed and given plenty of food. But as they were eating, the hare kept on looking at the chameleon’s girlfriend. She was so beautiful that the hare could not believe that she was in love with the chameleon.

After eating enough and meeting the girl’s parents, the chameleon and his friend explained that they had to leave. And as they left, they said they would send a message when they would visit again. And so they left.

On their way home the chameleon wanted to know whether his friend liked his girlfriend. ‘How did you like her?’ he asked the hare.

‘Not bad’, the hare replied without showing interest in the matter. He was infuriated that such a beautiful girl wanted to marry the chameleon.

When the two friends parted so that each could go back to his home, the hare at full speed, went back to the home of his friend’s girlfriend. He found the girl alone. And without wasting much time he told three girls that it was not the chameleon who wanted to marry her. He told her that it was he who loved and wanted to marry her. And he told her a lot of bad things about the chameleon.

The girl was disturbed. She could not decide what to do immediately. She told the hare to go away and that she would contact him later.

Later the girl told her father what had happened. And after thinking for a long time, the father, told his daughter to send word to the two suitors asking them to come and see him.

The day came when the two were to meet the girl’s father. When they went to his house the man told them: ‘ I have learnt that the two of you want to marry my daughter. But as you know, a girl cannot be married to two men. Therefore you go back to your homes, and on the day after tomorrow, you come back to my house. Whoever arrives here first and asks for a stool to sit on will be the man to marry my daughter.’ And after that the two left the old man’s hut.

On their way home they did not speak to each other. The chameleon was greatly disturbed that his friend had ruined his chances of marriage. And how could he get to the girl’s home earlier than the hare? He thought as he walked. But the hare was extremely delighted. He was now sure that he would marry the beautiful girl. 

On the appointed day, the chameleon left his home very early in the morning. He walked and walked. But the hare did not wake up early. After all, he was sure that he could run and overtake the chameleon. So, the hare started his journey after the sun high up in the sky. He ran as fast as he could. Before long he passed his friend the chameleon. And he kept on running. But after a while he decided to rest. After all the chameleon was way behind him. As the hare was resting, the chameleon reached him and sat on his tail.

After resting enough the hare resumed his journey. He walked comfortably, for as he thought, the chameleon was way behind. The girl’s father was in his hut when the hare arrived. And as soon as he arrived he asked for a stool to sit on. And the stool was brought.

But just as the hare was about to sit, the chameleon shouted; ‘Young man, watch out! Do not sit on me, for I am already seated’.

The girls’ father had nothing to say. He just told the hare that the chameleon was his son-in-law to be. The hare went home ashamed.

Questions on the Chameleon and the hare oral narrative 

What do we learn about friendship in the first paragraph? (3mks)

The chameleon tells the hare about his girlfriend. Friends should also be available to support each other in moments of need. The have accompanies the chameleon on a visit to his girlfriend’s home.

Why did the hare really accompany the chameleon? (2mks)

The reason the hare accompanied the chameleon is suspect. The writer implies that they have didn’t have desperately wanted to see the kind of girl that had agreed to marry the chameleon.

Why is the hare such a bad friend? (4mks)

The hare is a bad friend because instead of rejoicing with his friend over his (chameleon’s) good fortune, he is envious and begins to plot against him. He is so selfish that he tells lies about his friend in order to sabotage his wedding plans. He betrays his friend.

Identify an example of an understatement. (2mks)

The hare’s answer when asked what he thought of the girl is an understatement. He says ‘Not bad’ and shows little interest whereas we know he was awestruck by the girl’s beauty. He couldn’t resist looking at her during the visit.

How would you describe the chameleon’s character? Illustrate your answer. (4mks)

Chameleon is very trusting. He invites his friend to accompany him to his in-laws-to-be and does not suspect his friend’s interior motives. The chameleon is also crafty. When he discovers the hare’s wicked schemes, he devises a plan that ensures his success. In the end, he outwits the hare.

What do we learn about the girl’s family from this story? (3mks)

The girl’s family was hospitable. When the chameleon and his friend paid a visit, they were given a lot of food and received warmly. The family is also wise. They do not make rash decisions. When the hare claims to be the one who loves the girl, the family sends for both friend, before deciding how to proceed with the matter. The family keeps promises. The father had said that whoever arrived first would marry the girl, and he keeps his word. 

What lessons can we learn from this story? (2mks)

Information with ‘friends’

Not everyone who says he/she is your friend can be trusted.

Pride comes before a fall.

Do not underestimate anyone.

Where there’s a wil

l, there’s a way.

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