The Samaritan Study Guide Notes on Themes Act 4 Scene 3

The Samaritan study guide notes on themes in The Samaritan Act 4 Scene 3

Issues and Thematic Concerns in The Samaritan Act 4 Scene 3 


1. Colonialism

Narine tells Nicole that the struggle for good governance stretches as far back as the beginning of human history. She further says that their forefathers were slaves to white people (P. 130).

2. Bad Governance and Misuse of office

Narine talks about neocolonialism when she says that currently people have been enslaved by their own people (P.130).

Inspector Bembe tells Nicole that they must introduce fundamental changes in the way the municipality is administered. He says that they do agree that serious mistakes have been made in leadership (P.133).

Nicole tells the Municipal leaders that they were entrusted with public office to manage the people’s affairs and lead them to a prosperous future but they turned corrupt and broke the law in pursuit of personal gains (P.137).

3. Corruption 

Through Basdeo corruption is depicted when he says that Nicole should not expect truthful and patriotic people in the municipality since they are all self-seekers (P.136).

Nicole accuses the leaders of misusing their offices to practice corruption. She tells then that if they were Good Samaritans they would not have dipped their fingers in the public tills or broke the law (P. 137).

The Mayor says that they want change in the municipality where public resource will no longer be stolen and the police will stand with the innocent. Besides, justice will be for all and lawmakers will protect and promote public interest. For this we deduce that corruption is rampant at Maracas (P. 133 -134).

4. Greed for Power

Greed for power is evident when Basdeo suggests that he should be made a co-Mayor. He says he will be very close to have equal powers like the Mayor though not really close but almost there (P. 134).

Hon. Basdeo is taken aback when Jaden proposes that Nicole is given a contract to be a Director General of the municipality. Greed is built since Basdeo is eying a top position of almost having equal powers with the Mayor, definitely this worries him (P.135).

5. Deception, Hypocrisy and Pretense

The leaders of Maracas deceive Nicole that they really need to bring her onboard out of the goodwill of Maracas municipality. Jaden tells Nicole, after due deliberations they agreed to consult her about the possible changes they need to effect to secure the future of the municipality. The truth is that they are playing power politics, therefore, they intend to bring Nicole on their side so as to stop the use of the Samaritan APP (P. 132-133).

Inspector Bembe deceptively tells Nicole that he is sorry for her arrest and arraignment in court (P. 131-132).

The Mayor is also not truthful when he apologizes to Nicole (P. 132).

6. Change and Optimism

Nicole states to the gentlemen that change is needed in the management of the municipality. She tells them she is ready to work with like-minded citizens who will ensure there is transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs (P.133).

The Mayor says that the leaders want change in the municipality where public 

resource swill no longer be stolen, the police will stand with the innocent, justice 

will be for all and lawmakers will protect and promote public interest (P. 133 -134).

Nicole is optimistic by saying that it will be a new era in which everyone will be a 

Good Samaritan and brother’s keeper (P.133).

7. Justice

The leaders of Maracas are arrested by the head of Anti-corruption Investigations Bureau to answers charges about a variety of issues. Alvita reminds Nicole of what she once told them; it is true that no one can escape from the consequences of their actions (P. 138-139).

8. Hopelessness, disillusionment and despair

Narine is desperate and thinks better leadership cannot be found at all. After all good leaders are no longer there and Africans who were once colonized by whites and now enslaved by their own people (P.130).

Narine even suggests that she will have no choice but to personally grab Nicole by her pants and hound her out of her vicinity through the nearest available opening (P.130).

Basdeo thinks the Municipality can never have truthful and patriotic individuals (P. 136).

Nicole says there is no hope in the Municipality unless people resist the spirit of the Beast (P. 136).

10. Escapism

Narine distances himself from The Samaritan as much as possible. She even threatens and advises Nicole to leave it so that she restores her peace (P. 126-131).

The principal welcomes the gentlemen and cheats that she had planned to attend to crucial school matters, she exits the boardroom and leaves Nicole with the leaders of Maracas municipality ( P.126).

11. Fear

Montano and Alvita get to the boardroom while running. Montano tells Nicole that 

they should give up on the App because the teacher may be arrested (P.137).

The entire Municipal team is scared when the police come in and the Mayor hides behind Nicole whereas other shuffle on their feet in confusion (P.138).

12. Religion 

Nicole urges the Municipality leaders to turn away from their wicked ways and turn a new leaf that is towards their Creator (P.136).

Nicole also equates the Municipal to the revival of the dry bones as it is in the Good book (P.136).

Nicole also tells the Municipal leaders to be the Good Samaritan and brother’s keeper (P.134).

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