Words used to describe Tone, Mood and Attitude
Words used to describe tone, mood and attitude include the following:
Tone, mood, and attitude are essential elements in poetry that evoke different emotions and reactions in the reader. Some words used to describe these elements include: Words used to describe tone, mood and attitude include the following: Accusatory: assigning blame or guilt, as in Diamond's finger-pointing at the Bank of England. Apathetic: lacking emotion, as when a player misses field goals with indifference. Awe: a feeling of wonder or admiration, as expressed in someone's words. Bitter: expressing severe grief or regret, as when someone is bitter about losing a nomination. Cynical: believing the worst of human nature and motives, as when confronting the facts of global warming. Condescending: showing arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior. Callous: emotionally hardened, as fans felt dissed by Nintendo's callous wording. Contemplative: seriously thoughtful, as in scenes that unfold in contemplative long takes. Critical: examining and finding fault with something, as …