How to describe Mood Attitude and Tone in a Poem

How to describe Mood Attitude and Tone in Poetry



Mood in Poetry

Mood refers to the feelings you get when you read a poem or the atmosphere that surround events in a 

poem and that could influence how the reader or the audience feels after reading or listening to the poem. 

A poem that centers on a funeral/death will certainly have a sorrowful or sad mood, whereas, one that centers on a wedding or any celebration of achievement should have a happy, contented or jovial mood. 

Attitude in Poetry

Attitude refers to the feelings that the persona has towards the subject the persona is talking about. For instance, in the poem, the persona may describe someone who is corrupting children and oppressing people using words like disgusting, blemish, rogue, etc. 

The two types of attitude in a poem

We can define attitude into two:

i) The poet's attitude towards his subjects (what he is writing about)

ii) A poet may choose to write about attitudes that are not his. His subjects (characters in his poem) can have their own attitudes towards one another or towards a certain issue.

If the persona uses negative words and satire to ridicule or mock the subjects in the poem, the attitude would be resentful or hateful, or even malicious. On the other hand, if the persona uses polite and loving terms to describe an event or a person like charming, amiable, kind, etc. Then the attitude of the persona towards the subject is approving, welcoming, sympathetic, etc. Note that It is important to use the persona’s words in determining his or her attitude towards the subject. 

The tone in a poem

Tone refers to the nature of the voice used in a poem. It is important to know what the poem is talking about to identify the tone of the persona. The tone of the persona is closely influenced by the attitude towards the subject and the general mood of the poem. For instance, if the persona loved the subject and his attitude towards it was loving; if the subject is dead, then the tone would be sad, if the subject is around it might be a loving tone, etc. If the persona is a father politely talking to a son then the tone can be patronizing. 

Adjectives for tone, mood, and attitude in poems

Adjectives for tone in poems

Sarcastic, remorseful, obnoxious, dull guilty, alarmed, fresh, dreary, light, startled, sadistic, happy, heavy, horrified, secular, sad, quizzical /inquisitive, disgruntled, political, narcissistic, sardonic/mocking, hurtful, social, devoted, foolish, loving, liberal/democratic, bitter/ sour, sympathetic, mysterious, conservative, angry, intelligent/enlightened /clever, religious, resentful/hateful, irritated despiteful, prayerful, annoyed, suspicious/ doubtful melancholic

Adjectives of attitude in poems

Joyous, angry, sad, cold, warm, agreeable, contemptuous, calm, delightful, kind, trustful, sadistic, cheerful, playful, appreciative, fearful, resentful 

Adjectives of mood in poems

Serene/calm, respectful, happy, fearful, sorrowful, somber, melancholic, jovial, reflective/meditative, angry nostalgic, thoughtful

Sample poetry exam Question: 

Read the poem below and establish its mood, tone, and attitude.

A Pregnant School Girl 

He paid her seat in the matatu

And walked away:

As he disappeared in the city crowd 

All her dreams vanished 

One more passenger squeezed in 

And lit a cigarette 

She opened the window 

And spat cold saliva out 

As the cigarette smoke intensified 

She wanted to vomit

She remembered the warm nights

When she was her man’s pet 

She remembered the promises

The gifts, the parties, the dances

She remembered her classmates at school

Who envied her expensive shoes

Lipstick, wrist watch, handbag

Which she brought to school

After a weekend with him

The future stood against her

Dark like a night without the moon

And silent like the end of the world

As the matatu sped away from the city

She began to tremble with fear

Wondering what her parents would say

With all hope gone

She felt like a corpse

Going home to be buried

The mood of this poem is sad because when you read you feel sad and a bit sympathetic for the

pregnant school girl who has been used by her lover and dumped and who now feels like a corpse with

no future.

The attitude of the persona towards the schoolgirl is sympathetic. The persona feels sympathy for the

girl and that is why he dwells on the consequences of her condition by saying the future stood against

her; she began to tremble with fear etc.

The tone of the persona is calm/indifferent because the persona remains calm throughout the poem 

only showing a bit of sympathy for the girl’s condition but not getting emotionally involved in the life of 

the girl.

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  1. Anonymous
    The poem is a nice one
  2. Mercy
    ������ that's almost somebody I know
  3. Alice Alice
    Mimi na poetry ni kama maji na mafta