How to Write a Formal Letter in English



Introduction to formal letter

Formal letters include all official letters for example letters of inquiry, application, apology, request e.t.c.

An important point to remember is that, unlike informal letters, the information in the letter is conveyed to people we do not know or those with whom we have a formal relationship. The language in these letters, therefore, needs to be formal, clear, and concise.

Features of a formal letter

  • Writer’s address (without the sender’s name). This is not written when the letter is typed on letterhead. Note that this should not be a personal name but should be the name of a school, church, or any other social institution.
  • Date- this is written after skipping one line from the writer’s address.
  • The recipient’s address is written below the writer’s address but at the left-hand side of the page.
  • Salutation e.g. Dear Sir or Dear Madam or Dear Mr/Mrs. Fulani

  • The subject of reference indicates the purpose in brief for which the letter is written. This should be less than 15 words. The subject should be in bold and underlined as well.

  • The main body needs to have at most three paragraphs. For an application letter, introduce yourself in the first paragraph and state the post that you are seeking. This also includes the date when the vacancy was advertised and the means through which it was advertised. Paragraphs 2 and three give further details about yourself, your age, sex, nationality, and academic credentials. Make conclusion by stating the readiness for an interview in the last paragraph as well as any documents that are attached to the letter.
  • Complimentary close (also called signing off)—this ends the letter with the words like (Yours Sincerely) The writer’s signature followed by his/her full name. Note that when you know the recipient and have addressed them by name,  use 'Yours sincerely '. When you do not know the recipient or your salutation is 'Dear Sir/Madam,' you sign off with 'Yours faithfully.
  • If there are documents accompanying the letter, it is required that you mention them under the title “Enclosure”. If there is more than one enclosure, write the number in brackets)
  • If the same letter is being sent to more than one person, then write “CC” below the enclosure and the name(s) of the recipient(s)  

Note: Formal language is used in formal letters. The writer should use good handwriting, correct punctuation, and well-constructed sentences.

Below is a sample formal letter:



  1. Sazzadul Islam
    Sazzadul Islam
    Very deep article about formal letter .Especially to mention the examples.
  2. Sazzadul Islam
    Sazzadul Islam
    Really helpful.Especially to mention the examples of different types of formal letters.
  3. Anonymous
    Thank you